
I've been known to throw careless terms of endearments around my..acquaintances.Girls,especially,because I kind of had in mind of a picture of girly feminine females when it comes to normal non-otaku female acquaintances.So far no one called me on it,because between us,that's hardly weird.
When I started shipping Stony,I recognized(and quite enjoyed the fluff of it) how Tony casually throws the word "honey" and "sweetheart" to Steve and damn if it's not the cutest most lovable thing I've ever read in my life.I love it when he does that-calls Steve sweet names that is.It's so cute. xD
Usually I don't start it on purpose unless the other party initiates.Sometimes,it just rolls off of my tongue.Well,as far as I'm concerned,Dibah insisted calling me-I don't know how or   when or what gorged her mind to even think of that nickname-"princess" no matter how many times I tried to change it down.I've had weird nicknames before,'Ara',short for 'Arabella'(a guy from my old school came up with that,said I reminded him of an old Spanish story called 'Arabella'),Una(my usual nickname),Papa(only from my daughter),and a few others I don't recall.
Personally,I don't necessarily care over nicknames or calls.I just throw them around carelessly sometimes as some sort of approval and sometimes as a warning sort of defense.I just throw things.


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