
Yeah,the title says it all.It's like,a divorce filed during the honeymoon phase.I think I could really hear the sound of the pieces of my heart if I shake hard enough,like the sound sand makes when you put them in a glass.

It's cruel.It's inhuman.*sobs*sobs*

I never thought the one who gave TW life could do this to it's fans.To Sterek fans.I've always thought that false hope is the worst kind of torture you could ever give to people and it is.I mean,why give hope when you weren't gonna keep it alive?
Jeff Davis is that kind of man.
All that fuss about Sterek and now it's gone.poof.just like word.okay,maybe few words,but not the point here.All it takes for him is just few words to break millions of Sterek die-hard-shippers' hearts into tiny tiny millions of pieces.I hope you feel GREAT about it Jeff Davis.
Goddammit this is so hard.


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