Creeptastic! ;p

Wow.It's been a while for a book to creep me out like that.I've just finished White Crow and Midwinterblood by Marcus Sedgwick.It's nothing complicated like Stephen King's or Alex Bell or Anne Rice but it somehow managed to give me more shivers than them.
The words he used were fairly simple and blunt yet they give a lot more meaning than the pretty words people use to beat around the bushes.
Maybe it has to do something with my preference of straighforwardness.Tho it doesn't mean I don't appreciate pretty words now and then,like Lia Habel and Jodi Picoult.Or even Nicholas Sparks.

Midwinterblood is wonderful and beautiful in it's own sense,if not slightly morbid.It's a tale of a pair of lovers who were sacrificed for a ritual in their village.
The male swore that he will be reborn in seven consecutive lives to find her and he asked whether will she follow.And he did.Reborn in seven consecutive lives,I mean.
They went through the first six lives rather well,I suppose.Each time,death and men separates them.
They were mother and child,siblings,even once when the male was reborn as a female but still they found each other and fall in love all the same in every lives.Maybe a different love when they were related by blood but love nonetheless.

White Crow is..well,spooky.
It definitely give you the shivers.It's about mens' natural curiosity towards the afterlife.I think it has something in common with the movie Hoshi wo Ou Kodomo.Like the legend of Izanagi and his wife.A crazy doctor ganged up with a priest to lure people for a human experiment to find out if there's really an afterlife which means they kill people and see how their reactions after that.
The doctor wanted to see his dead wife and daughter.Makes sense that he's crazy and all.The main character,Ferelith,is kind of a nutty too.Which also makes sense why the book is creepy.It's full of crazy people.
I think it's kind of stupid for people to make such a big ruckus over a white crow.It's just a crow with albinism,what's special about an albino crow? Unless that it's sick with albinism.Really.*roll eyes*
Eventho it's creepy,it does give you something to think about concerning the afterlife.Besides,isn't that what all Muslims strive for? the eternal judgement in the afterlife.Whether you spend a few thousands of years in Hell or granted straight access to Heaven.


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