Awesomeness and Fanatic Fangirling and Cue Mom to put a damp on things (T_T")

Okay, first things first.

I am SO back on Destiel ship. Woot woot! xDD
Got back on those crack vids. Still managed to crack me up as hell (no pun intended) no matter how many times I've seen the same scenes. Because, nobody can really argue the awesomeness that are Misha, Jensen, Jared, and my new favorite, Mark Sheppard a.k.a Crowley. I've always liked his sarcasm, aaaaannddd, he's BRITISH! How is that NOT lovable. The BROTP he has going on with Dean is also welcomed. Teeheee x33


Next, I just had a supportive and heart-warming conversation regarding the awful two consecutive nights spent beside the toilet bowl from a member of the support club I am currently in. It makes me happy to know that so far, my decision to take this step hadn't blown in my face. And please life, do not take that and slam it in my face, I beg of you.
It is in the light of these miracles that I feel a tiny bit of faith towards humanity slightly restored. These people are strangers, yet we are bound by the common plagues that haunt our sleep. The most deep emotion I am sure most of us feel is when someone says, "I understand." and by God, they MEAN it.
The sheer understanding of what it feels like to one's remarkable.

It half choked me to tears.

Because the truth and plain truth is, you can't understand something yourself have never gone through. Regardless of my elaborate details and metaphors, if you've never drowned, how can you know the feeling of burning lungs? The desperation to soothe the embers in your chest. I will not say what I've done in the past in that matter, for it's best I let sleeping dogs lie. 

Aaaand cue Mom to throw a metaphorical cold bucket over the whole thing by mentioning Onee-san's and mine obvious state of singularity (is that a word? LOL) and reluctance over marriage over the talk with our aunt just today's afternoon. *splash* (T________T)
Two days ago, Mom asked of my relationship status. I answered it as it is. Which then she replied with something the lines of "being a wife" and I internally balked at the idea, proceeding to answer as negatively as possible.
I have no plan to commit myself to any man, as far as I'm concerned.
I have no problems with relationship. Just not marriage.

And to the extension of my knowledge, I'm pretty sure it says the same for Onee-san.
It is simply not the time, and we are simply not interested.

Our issues may differ on the subject of requirements, but all in all, it comes down to the question of commitment we are being asked to make.

And neither of us are ready for such....question.


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