Only So Much Anyone Can Take

We all have limits.
Some make it a point to keep pushing theirs, to prove something to themselves.
Some just try not to reach that point at all, fear of what would happen if they ever cross that big, red line. It makes sense for it to be red, y'noe, 'cause red usually means STOP or DANGER.

I want to address a lot of people with this issue, but honestly, it's not like I know that many people. There are those who loves taking risks, right?
And there are those who take them as a tough decision. Big, small, a last effort.
The similarity between these two is that they are well aware of the pros and cons of the decision they make, regardless of their reactions afterwards.
Then....there are the unfortunate people who decides without knowing the risks. Which leads to the consequences as any other, but them feeling like they have no idea where it came from.

Risks sound like it's a bad thing, but it doesn't always have to be.
A good decision leads to positive consequences. But sometimes comes up with heavily questioned morale points. Like, shutting down an entire infected village might be a good decision, but morally speaking, who's to know?

Friendship sounds like a small thing anyone can have.
but friendship too, in fact, have its risks.

Everybody loves their friend.
Funny friend, cute friend, helpful friend, passionate friend, etc etc etc.

Ah, but I'm sure most people have found at least one, bad friend.
The term, I believe, applies to a person you think as your friend, but brings nothing valuable to the friendship. They make you feel nothing but unhappiness.

Some good friend change over the years, as it fall apart.
Some just never realized they were an awful friend until it blows off in their faces.

As you grow, you meet new people. Make new friends.
Some will stay, and join the ranks with your old good friends who are still there.
Some merely becomes a passing stone.

Friendships DO fall apart.
That's why we have to be careful with who we choose to let in our lives. And most importantly, who we choose to let them stay.

And when it seems like it's breaking apart, have courage in your heart to let them go.


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