Morning Routine


Sis has been gone for a week now, and the absence in the room is getting noticeable. I considered changing my morning routine, just to feel less like a sloth and a functional human being. I went to sleep by midnight last night, and woke up 5 a.m this morning.
I'd say it's a success experiment.

I'd feel better when Oshie sleeps in the room with me, so long as I remember to let him out in the morning after dawn. But after that, it feels....empty.

I missed the days when I'd slug out my blanket and coffee mug to Amelia's room and stay over for the weekend. I missed the days when I'd wake up to the soft breeze ruffling my short floppy hair and opening my eyes to see my bestfriends' drooling faces.
I miss my bestfriends, period.

The mornings when we'd take our turns to the bathroom and sprawl all over the floor with our blankets, talking idly about our plans for the day in our pajamas. I even missed their teasing of my overly mussed bed hair -even though Mya had the longest hair, I had the worst case of bed hair in our little trio gang. Still do, actually. 
I suppose it's a family trait, seeing as Sis is no better in the morning.
To be honest, Irene is the one who wakes up with perfect hair condition. The literal meme of "I wake up like this". Of course, none of us are really surprised. haha

Irene would heat up some water and Mya would make us coffee. Though she couldn't drink it -a same trait she shares with Luchia, apparently- she liked making it, and Irene and I as strong coffee-drinkers were more than delighted to let her have her way.

Nowadays, I wake up to a list of laundries and pet feeding. I wear my bangs in a hairpin and I couldn't help thinking of how much teasing and good-natured ribbing I'd get from them. Sure, we interact with each other via texts and whatsapps as do all long-distance friendships but it couldn't beat the best kind of interaction where just a silent presence would feel calm and soothing. The presence of somebody you shared a life with.

I like texting, because they're convenient in such inopportune situations. During work or binge-watching, for example. But I guess I'd like it if someone would take a moment just to text me a greeting or something. I'd like to wake up to a simple "g'morning" text, once in a blue moon. I didn't used to think nor want these things, yet here they are.
How times change. 

For pleasure and social purposes, I'd prefer calls, because some things are just better with your own person. I realized that some words are best heard, rather than reading it with your imitation of that person. But since we don't share the same situation, it's hard.

I miss them.

Sis, Amelia, and Irene.
The three people who'd ever woken up next to me, and the only three people I miss waking up next to.


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