Like a Band-Aid

I went to the library today after so long having denied entrance for the 10th fucking time. Apparently, you have to register your card to get in but the counter is inside and we had to puzzle over the fucking cycle for quite a while till the barrier was a little screwed yesterday and we got registered. Goddamn how hard it is to enter a fucking library, jeez.

I needed to get some materials for my edu history paper (deadline on early June and I need to get that shit outta way cuz it's heavy loaded) only to find that while the library is fucking humongous, it ain't got any section for Education faculty. Like, wtf.

God, I miss IN-TEC library.
That place is heaven on earth.

This campus opened in Feb and now it's May and none of the books have made it here yet. Wtf have these ppl been doing good lordy loo. *sigh*
Guess I'll just have to stick to online journals then.
They're not as reliable as paper-books but they'll do, I suppose.

The thing with us TESL-ians is, we're basically free a lot of the time on early terms, and then as the term comes to an end, everything drops on our heads like it's hot.
The deadline for projects (some of them aren't even mentioned till we're half-way done with the term) collides with exam, quizzes, and presentation dates.
Lucky I'm not in any active organization so I could focus more on workload.

I still haven't manage to schedule a re-test for a course (non-TESL related, thankfully, small blessings) but I'll have to double my effort if I don't want that in particular to bite me in the ass later. Like the horrible decision with the "IPG" application during my Foundation grad. Good God I can't afford one of that right now.

I'll double -fucking triple it if I have to- my effort.

Also, as I said before, no matter how hard I frustrate upon my fam's insistent demands of my presence this 21st that is Sis's wedding, I'd still bought the goddamn ticket on 19th.
Because I'm a soft shitfuck of a fucker.  *facepalms*

I have a Lit test on the same day (19th) but at least my ticket is at night. I'd have to pack my shit up early, though, 'cause travelling from here to Klang takes 2 hours. 
1 hour to get a proper bus, 1 hour the travel.
Although I have drama presentation first thing on Mon (the day after I get back here), my group would have to go on with the discussion without me. 
Of course, I'll be sure to do my parts and everything (in between texting Mya and Irene to settle my nerves so I don't implode and watching the whole shebang unfurls) it's just that I'll be in a bit of a rush soon as I set my shit down back here. No biggie.

Now, all I'm focusing on is doubling my efforts.
By now, I can't afford to keep forgetting things.
Unless it's my demons, then yes I would so very much likely to forget them.


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