Batman & Catwoman

"Don't leave me."
"Promise me."

All my life, people come and go, as they are wont to do. Even the ones I wanted to stay, in the end, never really did. These words are no stranger to my thoughts, my lips, my soul. 

Yet I've never been the receiving end of it.
Until Amelia.
Somehow, it comes back to her. Like a circle of infinity.

Sis and I, we are bonded by blood. Yet it is with she that I needed to keep a reminder of the necessity for a gap of a sort. The knowledge that regardless of how close or tight we are as siblings, we each have our separate paths to walk and I acquiesced to it.
She has never needed me to stay, nor to acknowledge each other's psyche.
I am the Sam to her Dean, and we all know how disastrous those two's relationship is.
Unbearably strong, yes, but destructive in its own way.

We are aware of each other's mind, yes, but we are reluctant to explore its depth.
At least, that's how it seems to me.

Amelia and I, we clashed at the very first second of our meeting. It was like a negative ion had crashed into a positive ion and made a KABOOM. We had a rocky start.
Slowly, both of us had begrudgingly started to respect each other's perceptions. Acknowledged it. Accepted it. Welcomed it. Relished it. Eventually, needed it.

She rubbed me the wrong way, guarding on the defensive when I stated outright of her true face behind all the masks she donned on for public eyes. It was basically a psychological war site between us, the first few months of our acquaintance.

When did it bled into companionship, I know not.

Now, she has become my Catwoman. Like Erica is to Stiles.
Although I would say she is the Natasha to my Clint is more accurate, because while the brotp between Erica and Stiles is admirable, I like to think that Stiles has a stronger brotp with Lydia than Erica. Considering Clintasha is obviously NON-CANON and they're both awesome assassins. I ship the bromance. :P

For all I ask of Amelia, all she ask of me is this promise.
This vow.

"Stay. Always stay. Don't go away. Promise me."

I have teetered to the cliff too many time to count. Whether she knows this or not, the promises I made, the vows I took, they are my lifeline. A float in the sea I keep drowning in.

I need her.
As she needs me.

"I will. I promise. I vow this to you, I will stay."


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