Unburdened (Civil war rants : Spoiler Alert)

Sooooooo false alarm! Amelia's still here. With me. With us.
Wow, I have a hard time believing that, actually. Not in a bad way, that is.
Yknow, like Tony have a hard time believing that he had a family that loves him as he is and not because of his money and fame which is The Avengers? Well, without the money and fame 'cause obviously I have neither.

Which reminds me, I went watching Civil War yesterday with two of my classmates
(I know, social life? Who is me and what has taken my place) and to my credit, I did not broke down and cry in the middle of the airing. I waited till the end. Ha

By now, I don't even give a fuck about keeping up shields and stuff. My weird asshole ass is out and free and you are welcome to hop in the weirdness if it's to your liking. 
If not, you can kindly walk away without a single sentiment at hand.
Well, out and free about my fandoms and ships, at least.
Privacy is still privacy.

I have no idea why Stucky even exists. I can see the brotp clogging up my nostrils miles away. Like Clintasha. I would know, because I see how Steve looks at Bucky the way I look at Mya or she at me. If she or Irene had been in Bucky's place, I would've feel the same blind rage and need to protect them as Steve. But Tony has his rights.
And there are more than one side to consider.

 It's loyalty and love in a friendship. And family.

Also, I hadn't lost my yellow file which contains my hand-out notes after all! When I met up with my classmates at the bus stop, I saw a yellow thing tottering up on the handle bars and I was like, "Is that? Holy Fucking Shit, It IS." and proceeded to hop on the seat counter and grab my file like it's the precious that it is. Flailing arms and all.
Maybe it's a sign.

I hadn't even thought of looking up.

I wonder if there's a message. "Look up."
"Look up, and you will find what you lost."

Anyway, Mya and I are okay now. We fight, once in a while. It's normal.
Because we know that this is where we belong. To each other.
Occasionally, we need reassurances, and that's fine. 
I have my promises to her. And now, she has one to me.
Fair's fair.

Finals are coming up, and I need to get cracking on the assignment projects. Between finding time to consult our lecturer and brainstorming for the projects, we'll make do.



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