Last Paper for 2nd Term

Tomorrow morning is the last paper for the Finals of my 2nd term and it's my worst subject, Principles of ELT (PELT). Let's all hope I don't crash it and burn.

There's a briefing for Syntax 2-weeks school observation thing where I think our lecturer is supposed to give us the guidelines and the formal papers, but then, I haven't packed shit because of PELT study (I'm too nervous about failing it to even divide my time in between) and I told Sis to pick me up (because luggage) right that evening.
I hope Madam'll make it quick.

Man, I had an annoying headache last night I ended up sleeping on the chair for 3 hours after 8 freakin' P.M. Roomie told me to sleep on the bed 'cause I'll get a crick on my neck in that position but I already tried lying down, twice, and it intensified my headache if nothing else, and I ended up falling asleep when I tried going back to my notes.

After waking me up three times and me keep falling back asleep on the chair, she decided it's best I get some sleep instead of whining about my headache.
Even if I would wake up with a crick on my neck. Haha

It wasn't a good sleep, but it wasn't all that bad either. I was vaguely aware that I'm sleeping, yet not too much to be able to construct that I could dream. If anything else, at least I got some rest. It was like I could feel my muscles relaxing and my breath moving my chest in a weird 3rd point of view way and know, in my mind, that I'm asleep.
I could go back inside my head and even tried constructing dreams, though I wasn't very good at it. They turned out blurry and in 3rd POV instead of 1st. 
1st POV dreams are the ones you can tell are good.
They feel real.

Sis bought my ticket home from her house to T.M on the night of 21st so I'll be staying at hers for a couple of days. Even then, when I'll be home, it's only gonna be for 2 weeks before I'll start the 2-weeks school observation.
Maybe it'll be better if I have an ongoing assignment to do so I wouldn't lie around too much. I miss my baby siblings. 

Next term we'll be taking an elective third language and I've kinda picked out one out of the other 4 but, I'm not too sure yet. The classes are held at Shah Alam in INTEC so I'd have to travel about 2-3 hours back and forth for them by bus.
And I heard by the science kids (they have lab classes over there) that the bus services for such and such classes aren't being done anymore. If that's true, then things just got harder. It's troublesome, at least, and annoying at most.

3rd term would be hectic, and I ain't even done with 2nd yet.
Who else knows by the time I get to my 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th.
God, can I even survive? Hahaha.

Well, wish me luck. 


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