coming soon~

Hmm,December 21st is coming soon..That means my brother,Muzakkir,will be fully 13 this year.And that only means he'll get more and more annoying,since he's about to enter his first year of adolescence.Well,among the five of us he's the one with the latest birthday.
Wonder what shud I get him? maybe a day without me bothering him wud be gud.That shud do just as gud.

'kay,another topic now.I really don't get boys. *sigh*
I mean,sure I have lots of guy friends than my girlfriends,but that's just because I was a tomboy back when I was a kid.There were hardly any girls around my age at my neighbourhood so I only hang out with guys even if they were years older or younger than me.
I guess that's why I suck at expressing my feelings or anything like that.Other than my girlfriends at school,I never had a childhood girlfriend since all of my childhood friends are...well,guys.
I know,I know,my excuse sucks. -_____-||||

But,it's better to ask a guy about this.
Azer,Syaf,what does it mean when a guy tells me that he feels nervous and giddy when he's with me?

P/S:Gimme a message if u figure this out.I don't hev a damn clue.God knows whattahell he means by that.(-______-")


Ah,and one more thing.I knew my sister has always been a little crazy now,but isn't interfering with my love life is a
 I mean,I know she has lots of guy friends like I do,and both of us preferred guys as close friends than girls but still,the crazy thing is she's been trying to BRIBE me into MARRYING her bestfriend,who took Electronic Engineering course(I think) in Pahang.I've heard many about him since my sister keep stuffing stories about him which I literally DON'T wanna hear.
She keep saying stuff like,'don't you wanna marry him?' or 'there's a lot of merits(for me) if you marry him ya noe!' or 'I reaaaallllyyyy want him as my lil' bro-in-law~' or ' could you please get to know each other first? I think he would like you!' to me everytime she comes home.

Seriously,ever since she realised that our ages difference is only 4 years away,she'd been dying to get me meeting her choice of "little bro-in-law".Please,would someone PLEASEEE shoot some SENSE into her head?


  1. uhhh.. maybe he got feelings toward u.

    ps: don't count me on this kind of thing.guys i know in my life are just my cousins n classmates xD

    still, i think it's better if u ask that guy himself lol.


    ps:i tried to,but he's just so shy.he gave tons of excuses when i tried to ask him dat.*sigh*


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