
Showing posts from December, 2012


I'm okay. My head's okay.Couldn't say the same for my brain tho,I'm afraid it's already fried and turned into a pile of goo. It's not new and everyone knows it. Twitter. yeah.I'm not,tho I think I'm starting to. I HAD a Twitter account,it's just that I haven't using it a long time until today.Well,because of last night,that is. Nee-san followed (and stalked) a few favourite artists of ours and it felt real,y'noe? Like we're getting a seat on the first row of their show and see them in person. That had me going. xP But honestly,I don't think I will. I think I'll just let her get the scoop and hear it from her.Frankly,that part of reality repulses me. I felt like it crushes every little piece of my own little perfect made-up world and so I don't want to face it head-on. My own sanctuary is all I had to keep my sanity from bursting.I need it to keep me buzzed before everything's over and I can plomp dead. This

Freaking Out

Okay.I'm freaking out.I don't even know why. Last night I got such a nightmare I talked in my sleep and only one person does that and it definitely isn't me. I think Nee-san heard me and I think. ...I heard me too.I was pretty loud. :P Ugh. This's worse than when I freaked out from that trauma I got during my time in the hostel 4 years ago when a couple of stupid seniors decided to play a stupid prank on me by sexually assaulting me in the dorm. They were trying to pull off my freakin' pants .(T___T) Good thing I kicked them off and just in time to save my conscience too. Sadly my pants didn't survive that attack.They freakin' teared it off into two pieces .Can you imagine the situation? It was mortifying .And we were struggling on my bed .Nobody in the dorm except for us and it was after night prep . So,yeah.It got me traumatized for a while. But this..This is worse. Maybe I'm going nuts. Y'noe,that sudden moment when you just feel l

Moments when I forget x)

yeah,yeah,I know it's my third post 'bout how this year's gonna end and how I freakin' don't wanna go back to that holy piece of shit school and how next year's gonna be hell but honestly,it's 4 more days to that day so I'm gonna whine and freak all I want until that freakin' hell of day alright? Thankfully,my whines and freaks usually ends no more than a minute after they starts.I change according situations,remember? The go-with-the-flow type. Tho mostly it's because I'm easily distracted. Hehe~  I was bummed when I started this post 'cause I was thinking 'bout school then as soon as my focus strayed to something else entirely,my mood changed almost immediately. Depends on the stuff,that is. And I've just read the most fluffy,heart-warming,lovey-dovey,teeth-rotting sweetness Klaine fanfics so that got me grinning non-stop and tears brimming my eyes. And there was that FB fics! omg,I seriously totally cracked up on that


Hey guys. It's practically raining cats and dogs out there and water's rising dangerously quick to warning level at my house. It's cold. I like it. xD The best time to just wrap myself in my blankie with a hot cocoa (tho it's just milo,actually.Haha~) and read a book.^^ I'm sure Qie's doing the exact same thing right now.Minus the book part.She doesn't actually read other than comics. Usually I wake around 10 but in this kinda weather,I found myself waking up around 12. Great .My face's gonna swell up like a balloon from that. Even in the evening,it feels like 7 in the friggin' morning. The cold reminds me of Christmas songs.Not because now's Christmas season 'cause we don't celebrate this holiday. Songs like Baby,it's cold outside sung by Kurt and Blaine in Glee.I dunno the original singers and it's a duet. Nee-san and I sing this together 'cause,y'noe,it's a duet.It has to be sung by two person an

It'll be over.(-____-)

O-kay. December's running out  and soon I won't have time as to even consider turning my way to the PC. I guess homework's not an option 'cause I discarded them as soon as holiday started anyway  but for the sake of my teacher's heart,I'd just fill whatever I can.LOL I warned them to never give homeworks on final year's holiday.Beats me. It's been a while since my last surf on the Internet.xP Anyway,we got back from KL a few days ago. Nee-san got what she came for.Most of 'em.She didn't get "Lullaby" ,the sequel of "Wake" but then,we'd get it another time. That,I'm sure.There's bound to be another time. Meanwhile,I got "True Believer" by Nicholas Sparks like I said I would, "Gone,gone,gone" , "Little Sister" by Lucy Dawson,and Pseudonymus Bosch 5th book, "You Have To Stop This" .  On the other hand,I've read both Firelight sequels, Vanish and Hidden and

MPH,here we come!! XDD

Mom's graduating from her OUM next week. The graduation ceremony took place at PWTC,KL. (or so I think.I don't really remember the venue.-_____-|||) And I heard one of the biggest bookstore in the country (or in the world.I dunno.Meh.), MPH Bookstore is nearby. That ,is Nee-san and mine's goal. We've been looking forward to that moment for weeks now! xD Just thinking about the books we could find there makes my heart leaps with excitement! xPP  Nee-san had her list,of course. The ones I knew on her list was the sequel of 'Dearly Departed','Dearly Beloved'.And the sequels of 'Firelight'. Sequels of 'Wake','Wrecked' and 'Carrier of the Mark' are still unknown to this country.I mean,like,they're already published in another country but it seems like they hadn't reached here yet. I hope they get here soon.(=v=) Me? I just take whatever my hands could reach.Hehe. Kidding~ ;P I'd get whatever gets my l

Mwuuaaarrrrggghhhh~~~~ \(=0=)/

Gah. It's December already. -____-|||| Damn. Don't feel like starting school. Nononononononononononono~~~~ D"x Feels like sleeping a long dream. And obviously one I don't wanna wake up from.(T____T) What're ya lookin' at? I've always been a lazy brat.Hmph! (=^=)-o I miss Qie,Wa and Azer soooo much!! Dx I was supposed to go to KB and meet Qie,then we'd plan a surprise together for Wa at her house..We had it all planned out.. *sigh* But then,because of some...well,technical problems,I couldn't go there. Qie must be so dissapointed.. She was so ecstatic about my visit for months..(TT^TT) My poor baby.. Maybe I'd take a car license next year and drive there myself.It's a long shot,I know.But I'd take anything considered by now. I just missed them so much. At the very least,I'd love to meet them before we graduate from high school.I don't want to leave my high school life without any memories of them. My most belove