
I'm okay.
My head's okay.Couldn't say the same for my brain tho,I'm afraid it's already fried and turned into a pile of goo.

It's not new and everyone knows it.
yeah.I'm not,tho I think I'm starting to.
I HAD a Twitter account,it's just that I haven't using it a long time until today.Well,because of last night,that is.
Nee-san followed(and stalked) a few favourite artists of ours and it felt real,y'noe? Like we're getting a seat on the first row of their show and see them in person.
That had me going. xP

But honestly,I don't think I will.
I think I'll just let her get the scoop and hear it from her.Frankly,that part of reality repulses me.
I felt like it crushes every little piece of my own little perfect made-up world and so I don't want to face it head-on.
My own sanctuary is all I had to keep my sanity from bursting.I need it to keep me buzzed before everything's over and I can plomp dead.

This part,I'd rather live in lies.


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