Freaking Out

Okay.I'm freaking out.I don't even know why.
Last night I got such a nightmare I talked in my sleep and only one person does that and it definitely isn't me.
I think Nee-san heard me and I think....I heard me too.I was pretty loud. :P
This's worse than when I freaked out from that trauma I got during my time in the hostel 4 years ago when a couple of stupid seniors decided to play a stupid prank on me by sexually assaulting me in the dorm.They were trying to pull off my freakin' pants.(T___T)
Good thing I kicked them off and just in time to save my conscience too.
Sadly my pants didn't survive that attack.They freakin' teared it off into two pieces.Can you imagine the situation?
It was mortifying.And we were struggling on my bed.Nobody in the dorm except for us and it was after night prep.
So,yeah.It got me traumatized for a while.
But this..This is worse.

Maybe I'm going nuts.
Y'noe,that sudden moment when you just feel like everything's upside down.Maybe it's the jitters from next year.
I'm suddenly thinking about long-distanced relationships.I meant mine with Qie,Wa and Azer.It's almost 4 years and next two days'll make it 5.
Distance isn't a problem for us...right?
I mean,we're still in touch.It's just that sometimes when we talk..There's this unwanted silence and the cluelessness about what to respond.
I hate that.
And sometimes I think that maybe distance did that.To our relationships.And then a lot of unwanted shits started popping in my head..

Until I get it straight again.
Like if distance was that much of a trouble,we wouldn't be in touch with each other anymore and we still send "I love you"s like usual with every greeting be it morning,evening or night.
See? I tell myself.You're really exhausting yourself with all this junk.I knew it.I AM getting nuts,aren't I?
Y'noe what? I'm gonna go straightening myself again.If I don't post another post by tomorrow,call the Happy Hospital.
I'm probably there.

P/S:I don't remember a single face from my memories of school this year.My classmates,that is.I remember their names,but not their face.I just hope I call the right name when I meet them at school this Tuesday. xPP


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