Crazy Stalker

This is one of the countless times I feel like running my way back to SMIP.When any one of my 'family' is in possibility of threats from outsiders.

I know full well of Azwa's exquisite beauty but I wasn't worried of the number of dumb males running after her because I know our 'daughter' could protect her as well as I could.She is every bit as protective of her 'mother' as I am and the amount of her impulsive strength is twice's mine so I didn't think there would be any problem regarding her crazy fans.At least she'd be safe from that.(T^T)
Mainly because I didn't think there would be different type of shit going after her.Nor there would be that type of shit at that school.

Azwa having a stalker is not an uncommon story.But WHAT her stalker,this time,is.Her stalker this time,is none other than.......A girl.
I know,big shock.(0_______o)
When she told me the story two nights ago,I felt my eyes widen in their sockets.Well,that's rare.And disturbing.And it's been lasting for the last two months.What the fuck?!
When I asked her how the hell it ended up going on that long,she said she wanted to deal with it on her own.Obviously,I scolded her.*roll eyes*
There are two things first you need to analyse when facing a problem:-
Your capabilities.
Your strategies.
Realise where you stand and how much you can take.Don't just suck up to your goddamn fucking ego 'cause that'll only land you in deep shit,or in some cases,deeper shit than you already are.If you think you can handle it,fine.But if things get out of your hands,ask for help.Wise people ask help,idiot.
If you think things aren't as bad is it seems and you can squash it on foot,think strategies to do it.Sometimes it comes simple,sometimes it doesn't.Sometimes you squash it the wrong way and another trouble arises from it.That's bullshit.

Wa said she's been crying from stress of the disturbance she gets at school and at home where her phone keeps receiving weird texts and phone calls.The texts and the phone calls are nothing because they can simply be ignored-shut your phone off or something,or if you're going for drastic,change your number.
I scolded her,saying that why the hell did she not take the help Qie and her boyfriend offered if she knew she'd be crying from the stress of it.
I know that nobody dares to defy her orders-Qie because she's both scared of her and respected her decisions while her boyfriend is because he's afraid she would hate him for interfering when she clearly orders otherwise-and there is only one person who could without getting punched by her later;me,obviously.*roll eyes*

Of course,if I was there,no matter what she'd said,I would've find the little bitch and slammed her face in.
Then again,if I was,this kind of problem would've never even existed.Because the three of us would always be together and nobody would dare try to approach us unless we allow them to.Just like the old times.
I would protect her.Fending off any fucking assholes who even tries to see her way.Sure,Qie was scary,but only when she shows it.At most times,her cute lovable face looks boring and dull,hiding the red signals dim.
I,on the other hand,was born scary.
Even when I show no emotions on my face,the red signals are as clear as daylight.Cross me and you can imagine the outcome.The warning was visible on my face.My frowns alone could scare someone.This trait,I share with Onee-san.I may not be as hot-headed as she is but when it comes to Wa,I have no restraint.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. oh,sorry.I was supposed to put "air-headed" there.


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