
There were lots of things in my head.But now it's all gone.
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Depends on the things itself.
Sometimes I think of reactions.Sometimes I think of plans.
Sometimes I don't think anything at all.Nothing at all.
But,there are one event that piqued my interest a bit lately.The founding of someone slightly similar to my observing habits.

He was nobody new.In fact,we were childhood friends,and just in these few days,he shows a different side than the ones I've seen when we were little.
And it's interesting.
That's good,isn't it? Finally,a turn of events for my boredom.Call me selfish,but it is what it is.Besides,I'm not doing anything evil.Just analysing.
And it interests me that the object of his observation,had been me.
I suppose it's practically typical,for a girl to find this type of thing interesting and what more,a 17-years-old girl.Then again,I wouldn't be so stupid to think that highly of myself,that just seems dumb.
I find it interesting,that his way of analysing the informations from his observation is different than mine yet somehow they conclude a point correctly.
Nanka,it's like two doctors exhanging reports.
Or maybe two experimentalists exchanging datas of one experiment done with different methods.
Hehe,this is fun.*smiles evilly*

Usually nobody notices if a classmate won a competition without the teacher announcing it,or until the prize had been given during the assembly.
Sometimes they ask,to confirm a suspicion,but never one observes and could tell the matter correctly.
It surprises me that he could congratulate without me telling what for.It's definitely different that the usual routes(Oh God,I've taken a liking to Keima's choice of words.|||)
 in my routine.
On a more private matter,he comments on my weight,which,by the way,everybody knows that it hasn't changed ever since I graduated elementary school-(we had to write our weight during P.E sessions once every year,so practically,everyone knows everyone's weight.).Honestly,even I didn't notice of my body's changes,considering it hasn't changed for the last 6 years,I didn't think it would now.(0^o)
Now that one,is a real surprise.
And,I'd be lying if I say that I hadn't been flattered by his comments,knowing the honest-type person that he is.

I remember him getting really pissed off at one lie that I made during our little days.Apparently,he thought that if he's being honest to people,people will be honest with him,too.It shocked him when I said I was lying.Those days were really fun.^^
Though it would've been better for him to realize that what you give isn't always what you'll receive,I think he's good the way he is.
Pure and innocent.
In fact,it amazes me that he can still remain so after experiencing such great blows in his life.Of course,there are times when he falters,but then,he is only human.
And,I will be there when he does.As I had before.

I want to be there when you need me the most.


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