
Faqihah and Azwa are family.
I've always believed that.Though it started with nothing more than a mere game,it got stuck till now.Not that we minded,of course.
Man,I wish they were here.My head feels so stuck up.

Well,at least I'm not bored anymore.
I should've known that feelings were just mundane little stuffs.I should've known better than to look it's way.Oh well,things will fall when it's supposed to fall.
Like snow.Or rain.
It falls exactly like it's supposed to fall and when it does,it will.Right now,all unimportant things should drain from my brain.The only thing matters right now is my study,my religion,and my family.That is all that matters.
When all is done,I will forget everything and I mean,EVERYTHING that has happened for the last 4 years.From the moment I stepped out of SMIP's gate and into SMKTM(1)'s.Everything.Everything.
Nothing else matters.That's the way it's supposed to be.
As I cut my hair,I will cut all of me that is unimportant.That is not needed.Burdens.

I will make my family proud.


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