1st of Feb

It's the first of February 2015, and time is running faster.
I'm nearing my 19th birthday, 24 days to go.
19, huh.

I don't feel any different.

Though recently I've found a new goal with a passion.
A cottage in the woods.
Okay, not exactly new but more like, enhanced.
I began to add details and soon enough, it started to feel like a real dream to me.

I want a house in Canada, which I spesifically chose because of it's lowest rate of human population in the world. Less people is good. It's awfully cold, but I suppose we'll manage.
Yes, "we".

I intend to live there with my children.
And no, I'm still against sharing my life with an unknown homosapien.
I'll adopt some. 
And no, I will not have some kind of sibling incest going on between them. It's not like I'll adopt all 4 of them at once. The oldest will range from 3-4 years in difference.
I'll adopt babies, and they'll be breastfed-siblings. Yeay! xD

But then again, I'll have to work like crazy to collect that kind of money. Though I suppose that won't be much of a problem since I'm a workaholic. Much.

It sounds crazy, I know.
But everyone has their own little crazy dreams, right?

There's nothing wrong with a little dreaming. *huff*


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