Flower Friendships

This is one of those annoying posts that has misleading titles because there's no flowery cute friendships around here. Well, there's a friendship but I wouldn't exactly call it flowery. It's because I write random title that pops up in my head all the time.

It is common on holidays that I stay up until 3-4 something doing either work,fanfic, or reading doujinshi. And then I sleep until 2 in the afternoon.
I don't give shit much about my eating habits because I sorta eat to live on holidays. Like, only opening up my cookie stash when I'm literally starving.
And gorging myself on heavenly coffees.

Later, that would bite me in the ass by getting me worked up and writing too much on whatever I get my hands on. Almost feverishly, you would say.

Amelia and Irene always nags at me about my eating habits though they have nothing to touch on my sleeping habits because Amelia is pot, me kettle.

Irene is a perfect specimen of sane human though.
She wakes up early (Glargh, morning person.),
Have no interest in serial killers,
Smiles sincerely all the time,
Always nice to everyone,
Doesn't like bad things,
Have a caring nature,
and basically just a perfect image of sanity.

Being extremely shy and a caffeine-addict (we relate in this) is just her personality.
I guess what makes her goes well in our group is that she hates attention and has no intention to stand out. We had jokingly named our group Wallflowers (emphasis on "jokingly").

Because of her natural accepting personality, she has no problem with me being a bitch and Amelia being a weirdo. So, in a way, she's Switzerland? LOL

I guess you could also say she's a bit maternal. I have the proof this afternoon.

I was having this epic dream of child abduction and it was coming to an end when I kicked the bad guy's ass and saved the poor children and then kicking the authorities' ass for not listening to me when I sorta felt -yes, FELT- a gentle presence nearby.

I stirred awake and found myself staring sleepily at Irene, sitting beside me on my single bed like a mother checking on her sick child.

I asked her what's she doing here and she just smiled and reminded me to eat after I wake up. I hummed a confirmation, feeling myself drowsing back to LaLaLand.

After I woke up, I found a porridge instant cup with a post-it note saying, "Eat, Okay. :)" on my table and damn, if that didn't warm my little shrivelled heart.

Later, around 6 p.m, Amelia stopped by and asked whether I preferred beef or chicken. Puzzled, I said "either or."

It was raining heavily and she was holding a purple umbrella. After the question, she simply turned and walked away. An hour later, she knocked on my door and presented me a warm wrapped up burger. Though I feel guilty that I should've told her I don't eat the sauce.

For Amelia, she's done this before. 
That was during I was binge-sleeping through my PMS.

I think I'm so far gone for these two.


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