Drama Performance Tomorrow...

I don't wanna go to class tomorrow.

It's all because of the drama thing. Urgh.

We had our last minute practice just now, including Amelia's roommate and our ex-classmate last term. I feel like my performance rate is gradually dwindling down.

Granted, Sir had not complained of my performance other than my habit of looking down and holding my body in a protective gesture (though that was a given, really). I'm saying it as a more of a language kinda thing, like articulation and timing and stuff.
Plus, my costume is basically just sleeping pajamas.

I'm just gonna borrow my roommate's hoodie and wear my sweatpants tomorrow. The performance is due by 2 p.m. Not to mention my group have a presentation in the morning, and I'm taking Amelia's part since she have to go to the healthcare centre to check up on her ears. She can't hear clearly lately.

Which is why, I am reading up all kinds of creepypasta stories tonight in preparation for tomorrow. Thank God I did a Creepypasta one, instead of some random shit I could not get my mood into. Thank God for following my instinct.

Creepypasta gets my blood running, y'noe? Like a thrill.
Adrenaline rush.

Also, I just found the creator page of Eyeless Jack. An Azelf5000.
I was sort of disappointed yet strangely gleeful.
I wanted EJ to be real, if only in my imagination. Even if he would be entirely different from what I pictured him to be. *sigh* 


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