Take That Break
Hey, fellas. So, I think it's time I vouch that breather coupon on some quality space 'me' time. Reason? Well, other than for the sake of it, I guess I'd say it's sorta necessary now. Necessary like I-will-shoot-my-own-arm-if-I-don't kind of necessary. Call me overdramatic but it gets my point across. I coulda done it soon as Eid's festivities dwindled down but I wanna get my fasting substitution outta way first. I got 5 days yet to go but my PMS decided to call things short. Welcome to the world of X-chromosome. The vacation coupon would have to wait a bit, I think. There happens to be some technicalities issue. So the park will have to do for now. It's not like I need much, just a couple of hours few days a week. Something like therapy, I guess. Free therapy. Fuck, Banner would be so proud of me. Coming up with my own therapy and shit. LOL One thing we do share in common, Dr.Banner and I, is that our temper issues. I taught myself to in...