A Little Better

Hi guys.

I'm already well from the fever tho I still have a bit of a runny nose to handle. But that's okay. My head is clear and my body feels fine so it's a win. ^^

Yesterday, my cousin and Fabio visited me along with Kyo and another friend. Grandma and I were the only ones at home at the moment so we just sat in the third living room and chat. It was nice, though I felt slightly tired afterwards when I saw them off to the gate.

Fabio's friendship with me had settle slightly better than before, when I could barely tolerate his.....how to put in words, naivete, for lack of proper terms. Now I feel easier and more comfortable to exchange jokes and opinions with the guy, and that's good.

Kei though...well, I suppose he's still has some issues of his own to waddle through so I'll leave him to get to it. After all, he hadn't confide in me in any sort and I wouldn't know how approach him about it anyway. 
They do say people who seems the happiest hides the most tears.

I couldn't offer him consolation or comfort, not knowing if it would even be registered or appreciated. I would do it if I know how, but I don't think he wants it. 
After the fall-out, we barely recognize each other anymore.

Last night, I had a bit of a chat with Mom and Onee-san concerning our non-existent love lives. Well, Mom talked. We get a few words in between. *shrug*
It's not a secret that Mom had had her eyes on one particular dude she wants me to marry for a long time. I appreciate that she just yells it at me often instead of doing things behind my back. I appreciate that she respects my decisions and that when I say "NO, MOTHER", she backs off. Not a lotta parents do that nowadays, if you ask me.

Sure I do want a functional relationship someday.
It's a natural instinct, and seeing as I'm neither as much of a sociopath as I'd prefer myself to be, I do crave this sort of safety net once in a blue moon. So there. *shrug*

I just have not have the right person for it yet. Nor the feelings. Nor the works.
I don't know how this goes so I'd rather much leave it be.
Recalling back my old few burnt relationships, I do miss the warmth and security of being loved and regarded of importance of sorts but I could also say that I most definitely do NOT miss the whole emotional roller-coasters and inevitable heartbreaks and waterworks.


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