Take That Break

Hey, fellas.

So, I think it's time I vouch that breather coupon on some quality space 'me' time. Reason? Well, other than for the sake of it, I guess I'd say it's sorta necessary now. Necessary like I-will-shoot-my-own-arm-if-I-don't kind of necessary. Call me overdramatic but it gets my point across.

I coulda done it soon as Eid's festivities dwindled down but I wanna get my fasting substitution outta way first. I got 5 days yet to go but my PMS decided to call things short. 
Welcome to the world of X-chromosome.

The vacation coupon would have to wait a bit, I think. There happens to be some technicalities issue. So the park will have to do for now. It's not like I need much, just a couple of hours few days a week. Something like therapy, I guess. Free therapy.
Fuck, Banner would be so proud of me. Coming up with my own therapy and shit. LOL
One thing we do share in common, Dr.Banner and I, is that our temper issues.

I taught myself to instinctively shut down when I'm in rage.
To avoid total destruction of everything around me, obviously. Though not quite as huge of a damage as Hulk would be able to do, but just as troublesome to clean up.
 Destroying my own possessions would be nobody's problem but mine, but in the case of others? 
I don't think I'd take that chance, thank you. 

Oh, and congratulations to my sister.
I hear she's finally found someone to settle down with, God willing.
I stand by what I vowed many years ago. Her happiness is my priority. And regardless of whatever state we are in, I will always love her. I know it didn't feel like I'm down with whatever it is that's going on right now but trust me when I say, I only want what's best for you.
I have doubts, because I'm a fucking paranoid (and you know it), but I trust you. This is your life, your happiness, your call. Just know that I'm always around, whether you need me or not.
I love you.

And the shovel talk will happen. Fair warning.
I've prepared it for so long ain't no fucking way I'm not putting it to good use.


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