A Good Night Out

Hey fellas.
So, I had a pretty good evening yesterday. :)

Dee-Dee had one day off from work so she invited me out with some friends. Friends that I am well aware and comfortable with, of course. I had no specific plans (hadn't any of those for months, really.) so yeah, why not. 
Besides, I do enjoy their companionship.

The boys (Kyo and a friend) picked me up around 4. Of course, my parents are well aware of my plans and Mom had gone out to greet them. Needless to say, she was excited to see Kyo considering she has her heart set on matching up the both of us.
Which I continue to protest loudly and clearly.
I am not settling down that easy, Mom.
Nor that early.

I want to see the world.

I had worn an outfit not quite like my usual, that would certainly promise a good ribbing and endless teasing from Amelia and Irene but I have no concern of my clothes. I wear what I feel like wearing, no one can tell me otherwise. Even if Mom disapproves, but then again, Mom disapproves most of my clothes. *roll eyes*

We picked up Dee-Dee and her friend, whom I grew to like. She's quite lovely.
We set out to KB and strolled around at the usual KB Mall. The boys booked us a table at Seoul Garden restaurant by 7 and we walked around until then.

Our table was at the back and the lighting was beautiful and peaceful. A comfortable setting I really love in a place to just lay back and enjoy yourselves with some close friends.
The food was awesome and worth it. I was about this shy of poppin' my pants, if I'd worn one. LOL

We talked and laughed about many things, our time during college and works during terms and colleagues and plans for the next thing and families and so on.
We stayed quite a bit and I was quite reluctant to leave. 
As we walked out, the employees smiled and waved at us, each and one of them taking a moment from their current work just to acknowledge our departing. I returned their gesture, because it is admirable and nice of them to do so.
Perhaps one day we'll return. :3

After that, we went to my most favorite place in my hometown, the Popular bookshop.
Naturally, I purchased a book called Monogram Murders by Sophie Hannah and Agatha Christie, one comic book, and one Kreko magazine.
It was 9-ish when we headed back home.

The ride back home was no less enjoyable than the dinner.
Dee-Dee pointed out the full moon (what a coincidence!) and suggested we ride to the beach. I wouldn't have minded but it was getting late and I prefer to keep to my curfew.
I like my rules just the way they are, thank you.

But it was an enjoyable evening indeed, and I had lots of good fun with them.

I wish them all the best for the future, and thank you for a very fun night out. ;)


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