ergh,min,taskete~~!!!! Dx

Today I got an injection.All the form 3 does.At first I was nervous,so I did a little singing.I sang Chang Min's solo song,Confession.I imagined Min came through the front door and stepped up to me.He consoled me.(Oh my God,that sounded like I was giving birth or something..T__T||||) hahahahahahaha~~!!! Uso! uso da! There's no way in hell that's gonna happen!! (what,I can't do a little imagining stuff??) Well,I love Min.That's because I can't accept JaeJoong with anyone else other than YunHo and JunSu other than YooChun.Which means they're both taken.Hahahaha~~
By the way,back to the injection.Well,they hurts just when the needle pursed into the skin.After that,you just feel stingy and beating,like a heartbeat.But they hurts.That's what matters. xPP
And a happy news everyone!! Guess what,Muzakkir's going to a boarding school!!!! XDDDD
banzai!! banzai!! banzai!! xDDD OMG,I can't believe this's really happening!!! xDD iI've always wished that someday somehow he will acept one of the boarding school's offer and be far away from me!!! That way,he can't ruin my life like in every single day!! xDDD
I'm happy!! You happy?? I'm happy!!! If you're not happy that's fine cause I'm happy!!!! xDDD oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh hell shitting fucking yeah~~!!!!
Oh thank you God,thank you thank you thank you thank you~~~~!!!! xDDD
Trust me if I can put this on the front newspaper I definitely will~~!!!! I'd never thought that this day would surely come true...At least one of my good  wishes came true even when a whole lots of other bad dreams did.
hehehehehehe~~~!!! xDDDD


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