like I give a damn shit.(-__-)

LOL,why do we have to apologise from her? She's not the one who felt my pain! She doesn't have ANY goddamn shit ass idea how my legs hurt so goddamn much till I could hardly stand! Mc'na,go ahead if you want to apologise but don't drag my ass with you! I don't apologise for the things that is not me to blame!
So what if my mom loves me so much and talked to you about how wrong you were to us when you sentenced us that punishment?! YOU,didn't know how terrible I felt when I couldn't used my legs even for walking or praying! YOU,didn't felt the horrible pain I had to undergo for at least 3 weeks! YOU,didn't felt when I felt so utterly useless that I was always left behind because of my bad legs you caused me! YOU,didn't know how painful it is for me to actually take a grip of reality and stand through the holy fucking shit pain on my legs! And YOU,didn't know how I hated you for making me through all that!
Just because you're a goddamn teacher who is abruptly unmarried yet,doesn't mean I had to play along with your stupid idiotic fuckassed way of wrong teachings! I know because my parents are teachers as well but at least THEY,don't punish their students inappropriately!
I don't even take your words this morning seriously! Just because you're an unmarried granny and doesn't have any kids,don't TAKE US AS YOUR KIDS ESPECIALLY ME BECAUSE HELL I DON'T WANT TO BE YOUR DAUGHTER EVEN IF I HAD TO CHOOSE DEATH!!
That is all for today,remind that the one I'm pissing off about in here is abruptedly a teacher of mine who's teaching PJK for girls.Name unrequired.Age?? She looks like my granny.(T___T). Hahahaha,man I felt so relieved! xDDDD


  1. wow. chill dude. your pain has gone rite? :D

  2. yeah,thank god..thanks to my mom,although her way is so terribly horribly painfully painful..I can finally use my legs again..


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