urgg...Too greasy...Too..Yoochun-like..Ta..Taskete~~~

God...Please..Please..Don't tell me he's ACTUALLY hitting on me! xxOOO Okay,I admit he's not bad looking and all,but I don't judge people by faces.It's their actions decide who they are and what kind of person someone is.I think I know this type of guy...It's like in a drama or in fanfics that I always read,the type of guy whom I'd rather classify as the "YooChun-type".Please,let me explain the reasons....*bow**
As all my readers know,I'm a cassie(please refer to my older posts to find the meaning of cassie") And as a cassie,I acknowledged(,not in personal,just general) DBSK's members' behaviours.I would like to describe YooChun only because the other members got nothing to do with this topic for today.
Park Yoo Chun as all cassies knew,is somewhat called romantic+greasy+bold type.And so,the first time we texted each other,I knew he was YooChun-type.Why?.Dude,check out all the greasy+romantic messages he sent me!! Sometimes I don't mind since I joke like that with many of my guy friends but sometimes he really gave me the goosebumps to my spine..Sometimes he sent weird+sweet songs,and sometimes he asks weird+suspicious questions..If I'm someone who is so full of herself,I'd thought he's hitting on me! Ha! That is SO not gonna happen!(I hope)
But frankly,YooChun-type is not my type.I'd rather the YunHo-type if you ask me.
So please,let's us all pray together that someday we will be good friends and I would not have to go through the same thing with Kamerul.That someday I WOULD NOT NEED to reject him or whatsoever may happen in the future.I like befriends with guys rather than girls,they're less annoying and tougher.But NOT with some egoitistical jackass.NO.I will not accept that.


  1. hohoho~ you need to TELL him that. gosh, so many people hitting on you! see? Ive said that you're REALLYYYYYYYYY beautiful and your personality are not 'plastic' AT ALL. >3

    ps: if I'm a guy, i would treasure a girl like u :3 u're hella FANTASTIC! wohooooo~ xDDD

  2. yah! that's not the point here! >0<"
    datte,whaddaya mean 'plastic'? ;<

    ps:if ure a guy,then hella i wud make sure to keep my distance from u. ha3

  3. hoho. what i mean by 'plastic' is that u didnt berpura2 baik/gedik/control ayu blah blah blah. understand? xDD

    aishhh!! how could you T___T you know, i mean by 'treasure' is, to always jaga perasaan u and work hard not to scare u away. faham? >3

  4. erg..n how do u even noe dat I'm plastic or not?? maybe i was just pretending all goody2 in front of u n act all differently towards others??

    ha! work hard not to scare me away? Dude,if ure a guy,approaching me would be a LITTLE difficult.Well,depends on the method ure using tho..


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