Me No Give A Damn.(=______=)

Ah,people,we meet again.(of course,where else?!)
Exam's two days away and I really,shouldn't have time for updating my blog but,well,I was doing homework so why not? LOL~

My classmates and I have been receiving prank calls and texts from the same person lately.It pissed me off.
His texts are really stupidly irritatingly fucking annoying,it annoys me so much I could just reply them with cursing words on my own.
But then I thought better of it and leave it as it is.Because I thought of the credits it would cost me and how I'm gonna need it for my Qie and Wa.
I'd love to find the guy and smash his phone with his head.Then I'd go for his resource who provided him access to our numbers.
Then again,as I'd said before,I didn't have much leisure to do that.

I vented my anger with Qie at the end of the line.
Of course,seeing she is my "daughter" and the mysterious telepathical bond we shared,she would feel pissed no less than I did.(^V^)*satisfied*

I wish we had a netball ring,just one would be enough.I have to find a way to work out my anger everytime I'm pissed.
Or else I'll burst.Seriously.I'm no longer keepin' anything in my heart,unless it was absolutely necessary.
I missed shooting.It was the only part in sport I was good at.It was a good exercise too and I enjoyed it very much.
But then,if wishes were horses,beggars would ride.(_ _)*exhale*
Maybe Dad and I can figure out something.The long holidays seem nice for a few exercises.(=w=)

Can't wait for the holidays to start.
Tho it scares me a little what horrible path lays ahead of us next year.(-___-||||)
Dear Allah,please protect us.


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