WeEeEeEeEeEeeeEEE~~~!!!!!! xDDDDD

Hello people! xD
I'm in a very super duper good mood lately,even with final exam's 'round the corner.xP
Because Qie and Wa have been contacting me a lot lately!
It was on one nite when I suddenly received Qie's message.And right when my mind flashed her name,too! LOLLL~~!! xDD
Since then,we've been contacting each other on regular basis now~ x33

Now that I think of it,we haven't contacted each other at all this year.(=^=")
But one sad news.
Wa have got herself a BOYFRIEND.(O______o) *shock*
Well,if I say I don't mind that's OBVIOUSLY a lie 'cause I DO mind.
Tho Azer and Qie have assured me that the guy is nice and all,I couldn't bring myself to trust it.

As long as she's happy and nothing bad happens to her,I guess that's the best I could hope for. 
Besides,Qie's there and I relied on her to watch out for her "mother".
That made me feel better.Because Qie's twices violent than I am.Hahaha~ (-v-)
Anything happens to my "wife",he's a dead meat.(T_____T)

Also,I made a story.It's called "Delinquent X Delinquent".
Well,the title says it all.(-3-)
A delinquent who fell in love with another delinquent.It's ridiculous to make a story when I'm about to sit my final exam,I know.*rolls eyes*
But ideas seem to come rushing to my head when I'm happy and content.Especially when Qie and Wa's presence hover around me solidly.^^

Onee-san,I miss you! Terribly.(TT^TT)
Mom and Dad are putting pressures on me about my studies and I'm trying very hard to keep my head high here!
I know you're not comfortable at home and how it makes you feel but..Well,I miss you.I know it's selfish to ask you to come home despite knowing how you feel but I REALLY MISS YOU!!!!
Please don't hate me. (TTMTT)


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