
Well,here's some news.
I don't like people.Muzakkir's snake's dead.Nee-san is pissed at me.And there's still two days before exam AND school resumes.
Other than the snake and the school,I suppose the others aren't much of a news.I mean,I've always dislike people and I make Nee-san pissed at me almost half of the time.

The snake..Ah,well,Mukhlis hit it with a broom by accident and died a few hours later.Of course,Muzakkir was angry a little bit.
He made Mukhlis cleaned the snake's place but I scolded him then.
Didn't need to talk much,just clicked my tongue,like Dad did when he wants Muzakkir to shut up.
I told him that it's just a snake and not worth getting angry at his brother for.At least he listened to me.
With Muzakkir,it's like treading a fine invisible thread.You can never know what snaps him so most of the time,I keep my words to myself.
After Nee-san took Mukhlis and Syamim(our lil' cuzzin,Mukhlis's age.) out to but some food,he actually told me that I was right.
That it's just a snake and he can find another one.I suppose it's his way of saying sorry.Boys,you can never know.*rolls eyes* 

Muzakkir and I are the closest ones according to year.He's 14 this year.I've never seen him like that so I figured he's really sorry.
Ah,see,that's where Nee-san is pissed at me.Or so I think.She said that if I wasn't her sister,she'd kill me for being so soft-hearted.
But then,she's an airhead.I dunno whether that was the piss in her head or did she really mean it.

Oh yeah,Selamat Hari Raya Aidul Adha everyone.
I honestly don't wanna get outta house on holidays but then,what choice do I have? To get my friggin' ass out there just to be judged by them.
It's boring and suffocating.There are cuzzins around my age,but we didn't talk much.It gets boring,y'noe?
Nee-san is okay since she's very comfortable with the cuzzins her age and her friends.I'd rather stay home and face thieves. 


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