
Showing posts from December, 2010


AAAAccckkkkkkkkk.........I can't believe he did it...I totally can't believe dis....He totally did it.....He posted EIGHT pictures that had ME in it,wait,seven because one picture was the food we played when eating lunch together.But still,why did he had to post all SEVEN pictures that coincidentally had ME in it?????? FAAAAAAZIIIIIIRRRRR~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!! DX Dang! And he put the one he likes too????? Gah!! The one he took of me when I was walking! I mean,I was busy watching where I stepped that I didn't realized he took a picture of me! And you know what he said after he took the picture,he said that this picture of me is his most favourite because it made me look so natural looking! I thought it was a joke!! AGh~!!! Though I like that one too...Hehe~~.. Oh please please please please let our friendship remains friendship! I don't want the same tragedy to happen all over again....I'm SO not gonna go through this again!Why does the one who keep confessing to

him=nickhun (2PM)??

Wow,what a dream! It's been a while since I last 'remembered' his face.By what I mean 'his' is my childhood friend,Mohd Amin who is now in Pahang because he moved there a year ago.We used to play together when we were 11 and he was my neighbour.His house used to be just in front of mine and every evening,he would come to my house and call me and my brother(not occasionally my brother) to play outside.One day I saw a picture of Nickhun,one of the Korean boy band,2PM in mekda's file and for a second I was shocked like skipped a beat because for a moment there I thought I saw his face on that picture.I asked the picture from her to make sure that I must have been imagining things,and when I stared at the picture like,for 20 minutes,I realized that wasn't him.He's not him.A sigh of relief passed my lips.Mekda asked me,"why did you stare at my Nickhun like that? He's mine,ya noe!",I chuckled."Nah,I don't want him.It's just that h


One word. SCHOOL .Another word. BROTHER .Catch anything?? Not yet?? Well let me get this straight..... BROTHER = SCHOOL = MY STUPID LITTLE FUCKING JACKASSED BROTHER IS GOING TO BE IN THE SAME SCHOOL AS I AM. Huh?? Huh?? I know,when my mom said that,I was like,"HOLY SHIT!!!!???" and almost teared up my mom's shirt because I was folding the clothes at the time.My dad shot me a respect-ur-mom glare and I lowered my head as well as my voice.I curse a lot lately,maybe I read too many fanfictions.Ha ha ha.I mean,oh for God's sake,how can I ever live my 15 years old life with the presence of my stupid shitty fucking jackassed brother at school AND at home!!!??? Not just that I'll had to see his face at home,but at school too!!!??? Fuck,man!!!! I used to think that next year would be a better year than this one,but it turns out that it's gonna be worse than this year.OH SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT HOLY CRAPPY FUCKING SHIT. AAAAACCCCKKKKK~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!! Life is cruel man..L

KIRAI~~~!!!!!! DX

AAAAGGGHHHHH~~~~!!!!!!!! DX Today's the most hateful day of this week! I woke up as usual this morning and my throat was like killing me! Feels like there's a fireball stuck in there! Then I went to watch TV as any morning and then the worst shit came. MUZAKKIR .That good-for-nothing little shit with his usual fucking jackass-hole attitude kicked a ball to my sleepy face!! Okay,I knew he did that on purpose that little rotten fuckass! Aaaaannndd then we had a fight.We fought like crazy man! He kicked my stomach real hard I felt like throwing up! Good thing I didn't have my breakfast yet! Then the worst thing other than that dumb little fucking shit came, MY DAD .He was furious.Furious is not good.But we didn't stop fighting,until he whacked us both with a broom.Okay I admit that hurts,and we stopped hitting each other.My back stings and I ran away from there to my room..SOBBING.Seriously,it's been years since I got hit by dad,like my last bruise was when I'm 8

O tanjoubi omedeto,boku no ototo! >3

Ahahahaha~~~!! Kyou wa ore no ototo no tanjoubi da you! Nanka,ore wa sukke wasureteta! Buahahahahaha~~~!!! XD Warui na,bakka ototo ga! Xp [Here means,'today is my little brother's brirthday! Why,I totally forgot! Buahahahahaha~~!!! Sorry,my bad,stupid little brother!] Well,you heard me.Today's my loathful ototo no tanjoubi. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUZAKKIR!!! Eventhough I hate you and loathe you and wished that you had never existed in my life before,nothing would change the fact that you're my little brother and that we share the same genes and came form the same bloodline.We both came from the same origin and no matter how much guts I have to kill you,you would still remain my little brother. [I don't know how you may take that,either as a compliment or the other way around.] Wan Ahmad Muzakkir Bin Wan Yahya,12 years old,born on this date 21/12/1998,two years younger than me and especially is very loathable in this family .Seriously,I never even thought about this littl

ima wa..

[Sou yo..Ima wa ore ni koko ni aru dakara..Luchia to Hanon wa itsumo ikite basho mo..] [Jaa...Ore wa..Modoru ka???] [Ima mo,korekara mo???] It's either I'm losing it or I'm gaining it.I can't say I'm sick of this place because I'm talking about my home here,and I live with my family here since I was born.Eventhough I was born in Pasir Puteh,I was brought to Tanah Merah around a year old.My brothers and Mia was born genuinely in Tanah Merah,usually at the Hospital except for nee-san.She was born when mom and dad was on their way home from Kuala Lumpur,in a guesthouse beside the road I think.But then,I'm not sure whether I'm losing my sanity or I'm starting to gain them back.Know why?? Well,lately I've been acting normal .you know, NORMAL .Like, teenager normal .I'm not saying that I have always been crazy or insane but in this case,probably yeah..Remember my last acting when I lost my *ketai and all the crazy posts below?? That was quite pa

"King Of Thorns"

Today there's a movie on TV3 Channel this morning called "King Of Thorns",I was kinda surprised because I never saw it before,I mean not in magazines or in any channels before and we were interested.By what I mean 'we' ,I meant nee-san and I.After watching it,nee-san said it was not understandable and twitchy so did my mom but I didn't think so.I think that the story was fascinating and remarkable because the story line was incredibly arranged and the way they tell the audience of the past is very different from the cliche' ones.Frankly,I was amazed by the twins strict bonds, Ishiki Kasumi and Ishiki Shizuku somehow they remind me of the Hitachiin twins, Hitachiin Kaoru and Hitachiin Hikaru but it was a bit sad that Kasumi died halfway the story goes when I knew the one called 'Host S' was actually Shizuku because she was a patient with uncontrollable emotions when Kasumi fell off the cliff.It was actually a bit dramatic because the 'K


Okay,that's it.I don't wanna give a thought about guys anymore..I don't understand their species..T___T Tonight,this night,I opened my Facebook and replied anything that should be replied as usual,and then he came.My old buddy who had once I rejected his confession to me 3 years ago.First of all,I don't really mind since we promised that this is over and we are friends like we used to be.Unawkward..And..Lack of self-confidence...Gaaaahhhh~~~~..... (>^<)...He kept talking like he was at fault that I rejected him,and made me totally remorseful,this guy had -100% of self-confidence.He's making me feel bad..I rejected him because we're friends..I can't say that I'm a softies when it comes to this because I am so totally not,I am not qualified to give hopes to a friend,FALSE HOPES to be exact,because I don't love him so I can't say the opposite.It'll hurt him even more if he knows that if I say 'yes' because of sympathy instead of lo

meo samashte~~~ XP

Ok,this year is seriously the worst year of my entire life.So many terrible things happen,although there are some good things but they're just little unnoticeable things that don't make so much impact on my life,my pathetic life,I mean...Well,I prefer typing than writing because my hands get less sweaty when I type,and saves time,I think. This year,i lost my cellphone,this year,I messed up my head,this year I knew the truth about 'him' and realised how stupid I was to love him right after I knew he backstabbed me by cheating on me and made me thought how cheap I am..There's a lot more but I don't want to ruin my day as well as any other day might be,at least there's a good side which is about my study.I found some of my last year's record and I had to admit that I made a very drastic progress between these two years,last year's final year exam I got 1A 4Bs 3Cs and 1D and this year's final year exam I got 4As 3Bs and 1C,that's a good progress.