AAAAccckkkkkkkkk.........I can't believe he did it...I totally can't believe dis....He totally did it.....He posted EIGHT pictures that had ME in it,wait,seven because one picture was the food we played when eating lunch together.But still,why did he had to post all SEVEN pictures that coincidentally had ME in it?????? FAAAAAAZIIIIIIRRRRR~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!! DX
Dang! And he put the one he likes too????? Gah!! The one he took of me when I was walking! I mean,I was busy watching where I stepped that I didn't realized he took a picture of me! And you know what he said after he took the picture,he said that this picture of me is his most favourite because it made me look so natural looking! I thought it was a joke!! AGh~!!! Though I like that one too...Hehe~~..
By the way,since school is getting close,maybe I had to ignore the laptop for a while.I'm gonna be real busy next year for the PMR exam so maybe I won't be able to update my blog for some time.I'll try my best while I can.Hehehehehe~~ xD
I will make sure that I'll live till the end of the PMR exam at least that's what I think I'll do IF I ever survive that is.

Oh please please please please let our friendship remains friendship! I don't want the same tragedy to happen all over again....I'm SO not gonna go through this again!Why does the one who keep confessing to me HAD to be the one closest to me????!!! (Except for Kuro-kun [name does not need to be identified] because we had a long terrible fight before he suddenly walked up to me and confess) Besides,I've had enough love life already after the incident with "him".Love life is over for me.No more love.Love is stupid.Love is poison.Love is something I won't be needing now or in the future.Go die,love.Muahahahahahaha.

ReplyDeletefazir got TOOO many photo albums and i couldnt figure which one that u mentioned ToT
gimme the link pretty pleaaaaase? *puppy dog eyes*
It's in Facebook.He tagged me and Yu-senpai in them.The ones with me wearing a maroon blouse and a black tudung.