
Ah....You know,there are times when you feel like you were seeing flowers and beautiful butterflies floating around your hair..And you feel your cheeks blushing to their maximums like donuts...Then you can't help to feel so hilariously funny and you laughed so genuinely..Especially when you are reading something you find very amusing and heart-warming....It's like,confronting your first love and he/she accepted to go out with you....Damn,feels like the whole world is spinning and your head gets so dizzy with fluffy flashy bunny stuffs...hahahaha.....Hey,you know what? I love books.I so love them so very much.god if I can marry a book I love so damn much I would.Maybe I'd be marrying a book at 13 if that was possible.I love my world where there are books and my beloved people ONLY.Oh books,you are my Juliet for I am the Romeo~~~ XXXX33333

But then...There are just times when you feel the world is coming to a real shit end.YOUR world...The ground where you stand shakes man,and the books....Oh God...The books,just got suddenly on fire..And each pages..With perfect literature grammatism,perfect plot,just burned with dim flames so unperfectly...All the books...God,I can't stand watching...And the sky turned dark and orange..Like when the sun sets...The clouds dissapeared and the sky..was just plain orange....The wind blows like a tornado or something and blowed the books away...I could just faint from that.The whole thing is just so scary dude....SO PLAIN SCARY.......God,if there would ever be a day where all the libraries and books are n't as useful as today,I would SO totally kill myself...(-_____-)

P/S:Remind me that this post was typed on 4:07 a.m on Sunday morning.Expect to see panda eyes this afternoon? better be! xDD


  1. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    we're on the same boat dude!!! Im glad I meet someone who got the same wish as me; wanna live on a world that got only BOOKS and our LOVED ONES. xDDDD

    there was a time when I wish that I lived in a library/bookstore. lol. I truly wanna to actually.

    i really wanna buy EVERY BOOK that i encountered. huk3. but then, i still haven't finished reading the books that i asked my sis to buy. the reason is? I didnt had the time to T___________________T huwaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! DEAR BOOKS, PLAESE WAIT FOR ME WILL YA?

    hahaha. couldnt imagine JULIET had the face of a BOOK. LOLL xDDDD

  2. hahaha,we already ARE on the same boat,honey.

    Ever since I trusted u with all my darkness.


  3. hahahaha. right.

    hey, let's build a BOOKS AND LOVED ONES ONLY world for ourselves? xD it's good idea xDDDD

  4. whaddaya mean build??

    I already had one.In my dreams~ xPP


    seriously,i don't get what u mean..-___-||||


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