Faqie...Azer...Taskete o...**sobs*sobs**

Agh~~!!!!! Huhuhuhuhu....Sob..Sob..[please forgive this moment of incovenience for the writer is having a serious brain problem.tit.]

I can't take it anymore...I seriously can't take this to further consideration... [note:please imagine the writer as a gloomy dark object hugging her knees to her face at a special place in the room called as "Mr.Corner".]  

Here's the deal - 4 guys.

1:My former childhood classmate whom I already rejected 3 years ago.Done.But the fact that he's informing who has a crush on me and who doesn't is making me a little bit awkward.But still,he's my bestfriend.
2:A classmate.Just confessed three days ago through a simple text message.Half-replied=Half-done.Thou I like him because he has this cute face but his cowardish acts literally pisses me off.
3:Not a classmate but a boy next class.I think I see the hints that shows he's trying to hit on me but I can't bring myself to believe it.Somehow.Thou he is not as cute as the 2nd,but I really love his attitude,he has courage,bravery and a good sense of limits.
4:A guy at SMIP in KB.This one's just a pain cuz he's been harassing Faqie just to have my number.Go die~!!! DDxxx

Azer...If only you were here,then I would not have to worry about anyone having a crush on me because everyone will think of us as a happy non-disturbed couple..And Faqie...If only you were here to kick whoever dares to come near us,just like you used to...My heart feels like it's going to drop from my ribcage.And my lungs feel like it's filled with water,suffocating me each second..I,want to ask them something;the 2nd and 3rd..

If,I asked you to wait for me,just for 2 years..Would you wait until then..? Because,if you waited,and when that time comes,I will have nothing to say other than...YES...

I only wanted someone..To wait for me.. Just to know that someone would be able to endure time,just for me..

Tada..Soredake da..

I'm tired..I have always been the one waiting..Take 'him' for example,I waited 9 years for him..9 years,and even so,he made me suffer,made those 9 years of waiting wasted like rubbish.I regretted so much,wasting 9 years waiting for him..

That's why,I don't want to wait for anyone,anymore..Even though the scar he left has healed,but it is still there.Reminiscing "it's" existence in my core,beating the crap out of it.


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