GuD oR BaD NewS..??

2 years from now,maybe I won't be single anymore.Thou that fact scares me a bit,but this would be a new experience for me and a new chapter in My LiFe.I thought about choices I have in choosing paths that will create a new branch in my road of life,and I doubt that there won't be any obstacles,cuz there always will be.

[preparing for obstacle]
 I asked him ; 2 years,until SPM is over,could you wait?

and relieved when having the definite answer although he was playing quite dumb and all.Like,saying uncertain statements.For example,"maybe" or "perhaps".That's the part I hate about him the most,but still,he have advantages and disadvantages.Everyone does.Even so,I can't tolerate uncertanties at this point.(-____-)

He asked about the 3rd guy.I said,what about him? he sounded so grumpy it made him look like he was jealous or something.He said that the 3rd guy have been asking about me from him and eventhough he was angry and  full of jealousy [he said this,not me,and please,I had a really hard time believing this.] he answered the questions with moderate tone.
I laughed.Sorry to say but I really can't help it~ Romantic were never really my type..Pft..Jealousy?? Puh-leeaassseee~ this is so epic! Imagine :
  1. The 2nd guy have been telling the 1st guy about his crush on me but he didn't know that the guy he was talking to is too,also someone who had confessed to me before but rejected due to over-pressure. [epic!]
  2. The 1st guy who's currently my BFF not-so-accidentally told me that the 2nd guy had a crush on me but I didn't believe him because I thought he was joking with me or just a mere prank. (-3-)
  3. Then the 3rd guy who had a crush on me have been digging informations about me from the 2nd guy but he too,didn't know that the guy he's been refering to is the guy who also had a crush on me and had confessed a week ago. [epic!]
  4. Last,I seek help from Azer to make the 4th guy who's currently harassing Faqie for my number in SMIP give up.This's one of the reasons why I love Fazer so much~~!!! x33
Seriously,I had a major good laugh after reading his messages.I have never,seen something so twisted in my life! And on top of that,not just in any life,in My LiFe!! Usually we see these things in dramas and epic love stories,but this,this is so real.And it's happening to none other than the writer herself,ME!

But then,let's see what happens when 2 years pass.Maybe things will go well and just as planned,but for some reasons,maybe it won't.There's still some unfinished issues to talk about,but that could be arranged to some other time.

p/s:I haven't been sleeping at all lately,like Fazer said,"Farah is a new spesies of Panda~~!!!!" hehehe~~ x33


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