
God...Tonight I cried again.Not the usual cry,the really sobbing cry.And it's all because of a stupid fake rumour.No,the rumour's not about me..It's about..Faqie..

I was onlining as usual tonight,because tomorrow's the weekend and evnthough I have classes tomorrow,I don't give a crap cuz I missed my blog so much..I had to restrain myself from touching the laptop and broadband the whole school-days or my mom will have my allowance cut.Then this guy from the same class as Faqie suddenly pop-chatted me,I chatted with him for about 1-3 minutes and then,he suddenly told me that Faqie got herself a boyfriend.Well,I guess you could tell what will I do next.

I PISS OFF.I was seriously pissed off,I kept throwing shit words at the guy and I don't give a damn crap if the words doesn't even make any sense.I'm not pissed off because she got a boyfriend earlier than what we promised,but it's because that I got scared.I got so SHITTY SCARED.I keep remembering the awful things that happened to her when she was engaged to that son of a bitch.The scars..The pain..The tears..My heart didn't skipped a beat,but it skipped triple beats.

This guy,the guy who chatted with me,just easily butted his nosy striped nose into our (me and Faqie's) private business and he talked like he knew me inside-out.He grosses me.We fought,in the pop-chat.I pointed this one in bold,

"you listen to me you dick-headed just-putting-ur-ugly-butt-in-someone-else's-business,you have NO RIGHTS to accuse anything to me! You have NO RIGHTS to tell me how far would I go to protect this friendship and you have NO whatsoever RIGHTS to even point out to me that I could not do anything in my guts to protect Faqie and Azwa!"

I kept writing,

"You don't have the slightest clue of how badly I want to be with them,protecting them and being by their side!! If only I could spend the rest of my life protecting and taking care of them,then I would never miss a chance!! I LOVE FAQIE AND AZWA.I REALLY REALLY REALLY LOVE FAQIE AND AZWA.And I would NEVER,NEVER let them be hurted ever again! And don't you DARE talk about my relationship with them EVER again!!"

Something like that.

I wrote that and suddenly my throat was filled with sobs.When I let out the sobs in my chest,the tears came rolling down like crazy on my cheeks.I cried.Cried like I've never cried before.It has been long,too long,since I cried genuinely.Cried with the real feelings that I thought maybe had long gone.Feelings that they used to give me.

I miss my princess..And I miss my queen..I used to cry a lot,because I knew that they will give me warmth whenever I produce tears from my eyes.Faqie with her laughters,Azwa with her lollipops.They knew how to make me smile again,and they are the only one that can take out the best of me.And how I wish I could do the same for them..

But,there's one good news..After the fight with the guy who pop-chatted me,I accidentally wrote "cry" when I was aiming for "crap" because my tears wetted the keyboard making it slippery and with my eyes full of tears,I can't really see what words was I writing.He suddenly apologised and telling me not to cry,then he said that the news about Faqie had a boyfriend was just a lie.I guess he was starting to get nervous.

He said that Faqie talked to him about me a lot,that Faqie just couldn't stop yapping about me at school.He told me that he tried to test her by telling her that I had a boyfriend and he got slapped in the face [hard] and got yelled at too.He told me that Faqie yelled at him that she trusts me and that to never told a lie about me again.At that point,I cried even louder.I was happy,really happy,that she defended me.That she trusts me.I couldn't write anything at the time because I was so happy that I cried even more.

He said,because it seems that our friendship was so strong that he was tempted to test us and we proved that eventhough we were separated by distance,our friendship still holds strongly like a never-ending bridge.And he apologised lots of time because he didn't expect for the test to make me cry,it was inevitable.He also said that he was glad,because Faqie and Azwa had a friend like me.A true bestfriend.

I stopped crying.


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