
Ugh,I can't deny that stuffs like this happens regularly for teenagers but does it really HAVE to be so...So recent?? Including this year,five guys had been said to have a huge crush on me [which I reluctantly refuse to believe until now] (T^T)

I don't NEED to be in love nor to enjoy this time of youth.I have princips.Which is to obey if I don't want to be strangled by mom.I can't have boyfriends before I turned 18,after SPM,I can have as many lovers as I want [like mom said it]. I don't originally believe if a friend told me that some guy had a crush on me until the guy himself have the courage to confront me and confess.

.I like...the straightforward type,but not too straightforward that he didn't think before he talks.

Besides,this guy,who had a crush on me is currently the same age as I am and apparently a friend of mine who is a girl had the same crush on him! This calls for a psychiatrist~~!!!! xxOO
Is this...A love triangle..??


 Why does unnecessary things popped out when I don't need them to!!!!! DDDDxxxx

I've suffered betrayals before,and I don't want to experince it again.....


  1. oke3. first, that was NORMAL already for ya; to have been confessed to. second, i had a few suspects :P. third, yep it's kinda love triangle. and lastly, this sounded like a drama. LOL. xDD

    btw, haven't talked to u lately ;(

  2. huhuhuhu~~~~ DDDXXX But I don wanna be confessed to~~!!!! DDXXX

    what suspects???

    Goddamit I hate love triangles!! DDDxx

    My life IS a goddamn drama. (TT___TT)

    p/s:yeah,miss to talk to u too dude,got so much to tell u....sob,sob..


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