a story of u n me (2)

"Ryu...Is it okay for you to come back? I mean,don't you have family matters to attend to in South Korea?" she turned her sight to him,the protector of their family,hoping for something that could make her happy..His answer though,never seemed to fail her."Baby,I AM attending family matters.Right here.Right now." his smile overwhelms her.The smile that she and their daughters have been missing for 2 years.The smile that she dreamed every night that made her cried,just to see that one smile once more.The smile that is now on her very eyes,wrapping her in great warmth..The smile from her one and only love,Hanamichi Ryushi ....

"yeah..You are..Thanks Ryu.." "for what? I didn't even gave you the present I promised when I came back!" she chuckles.He still have his natural way of weird goofy humours,that can always make her laugh. "for coming back,silly! and you better find me a present soon,or I'll ask for a divorce!" "what?! Baby,your cruelty still hasn't changed even after 2 years without me! Oh my God..Our babies must've suffered..Except for Luchia because her evilness definitely comes from you.(smirk)" "Yah!! How dare you! I am far more evil than Luchia!" she pouts with an amazingly huge red cheeks,then ouch-ed from receiving a pinch on her left cheek from her husband. "Ouch..Papa,what's the pinch for?!" "for making the most lovable cutest pout that I've terribly horribly missed my entire low-suck life that I can't resist even if I were to be buried to the earth's core..." a trademark kiss landed on Hanon's exposed forehead,making her gawk at his unbeliavably cheesy+greasy answer.'Shheeesshhh..He's still as idiotic as ever.." she fumed in her head.

Trying very hard to keep her face from reddening,which was a constant failure,he distanced their faces in few inches and smiled. "That's why you love me,baby." and grinned as if this beautiful evening could never find an end.The couple gazed lovingly in each other's eyes,Ryu's light-brown orbs in her's and Hanon's light-blue orbs in his.Conveying the 2 years long lost love when somehow,something interrupted.


"Oh for damn crap's shit stop the gross love stare would ya?! PAPA~~!!!! MAMA~!!!!"

"Yah,Luchia you're so noisy.My video collection of papa and mama's most embarassing moments could add up to one more room if you guys loud noises didn't interrupted the process..Aish,there goes my collection..."

"Hmp,Seira's always holding that camera.The price of that junk doesn't match with my 1 million yen baseball batter that papa gave me! Ne,mama?"

"I agree.I could've just stole the damn pretty batter if it weren't for papa's credit card."

"Bullshit.My camera is worth of 90 thousand yen,that's as close as to have a mansion the size of our house."

"Girls...and mama too! watch your languages,or those 1 million yen baseball batter,my precious credit card and 90 thousand yen camera will all go back to where they were before.In my POCKET."

"Sorry baby~"

"Gomen papa~"


"C'mon,it's getting late.We still have school tomorrow,and Luchia,Seira?" "yes papa?" "cancel the baseball late-night programme tonight because we're picking both of you up early tomorrow morning."


"Shut up Luchia.'We'? Whaddaya mean,'we'?? 'we',as in papa and mama??"

"yes,'cause from today,mama will be staying with papa."

As the four of them walked along side by side,telling stories and filling the atmosphere with melodious laughters...He visibly remembered the garden that he grows in his yard,the pink tulip flower which resembles his first daughter,Luchia,the orange-ish hibiscus flower which resembles his second daughter,Seira and the lavender flower which resembles a missing presence...His youngest daughter...Karen....Whom he and Hanon and their daughters missed terribly..Last but not least,the blue rose,resembles none other than the love of his life,his wife,Hanon..Who he vows to cherish till the last beat of his heart..

This family...Is the one he would never leave under any possible circumstances..Even death.Because this is the family that didn't left him when he was lying lifelessly on the ground.The family that made he realise that there are more than meets the eye in this cruel world.The family...That he could call HIS OWN...

The End....

P/S:sorry if the end was a bit hang..I'm afraid that if I continue further more,it'll become a series story when it doesn't even have a proper beginning.You can't end something that doesn't begin,right? gimme a thought of what you think about this,comments are loved! x333


  1. lol. a million yen batter, 90 thousand camera and a credit card. gosh, where that freakin money come from?

    teheeee. i supposed it's a happy ending right? kekekee

  2. well,Ryu IS a millionaire's son.He got his brother(Ryuuhei) handling all the business.But he helps once in a while~ (^^)

    yup.It is. (=v=)


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