
It has almost been a week since mom,dad and Muzakkir left for Umrah at Mekah.And it gas also been a week since mom paid grandma(mom's side of the family) and her two friends to actually BABYSIT us for two whole weeks on their absence.GOD,you don't know how this creates a whole new hell for me,she and us were never an item.Ever since we(me n sis) were little,we hated going back to Pasir Puteh,to mom's side of the family,but we put up with it because we wanted mom to be happy.Like it or not,she's our mom's mom.But we didn't like her,because it seems to us that she never really cared for us as her grandchidlren because every time we go back to PP she always ask mom for money.I witnessed these ever since I was little,and until now I still remembered it clearly.

That's one thing.Another is,of all the new problems that I had to encounter,why does it HAD to be a meeting with HIM????!!!!! Today,my cousin sis got married and we went there as family.I forgot that since he was part of the family as well,our meeting was definitely inevitable.God,it has been so long since that incident,I couldn't bare to look him in the face! we didn't even greet each other,that's a relief.That painful incident with him made me twitch every single glance of him.I wanted to talk to sis about it,but never mind,I figured that she wouldn't give a crap.(-3-)

Last thing is,I missed SMIP very much.I miss Faqie,who is the only one can draw my tears dry.I miss Azwa,whose beauty overwhelmes my memory.I miss Fazer,who is the only one capable of making me laugh genuinely without second thoughts.I miss Yu-senpai,whose advices has helped me a lot through hard times.I miss Ming-Ming,whose jokes can I never forget.I miss Hidayah,whose whines in anger can I never find the same in the world.I miss everything in SMIP.....Could this life gets any worse..?


  1. dude, put up with it! T___T

    you should ignore that shitty guy anyway.

    (im sure you're twitching the whole day at the wedding) :P

  2. yes I were.Thank u for noticing. (-___-)

  3. LOL. as expected. then, did u quickly eat and went home?

  4. i would if i could but sadly i had to wait for my sis.

    it's becuz i can't drive the damn car.


  5. hukkk. stuck for hours there? sob2. klu blk rumoh tokwe, the granmans ikot jgok ko?


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