Everyone has a Color and I think Black would be Mine.

It sounds a lot like crazy talk and a bit philosophical but it is what just passed through my blank mind few seconds ago.I was reading a Drarry fanfic when Harry said something about Draco's color being blue . Admittedly,he just said that he looked beautiful (when is Draco not??) in blue and the words somehow flashed into my mind,reworded itself into..well,this. I've heard some psycho psychiatrist (most psychiatrist are psychos because as the proverb says,it takes one to know one) said that before, "Everyone has a color of their own." .I played with the concept for a while and abruptly decided that mine would be black . Hollow,void,endless black . Maybe it's a description of what I feel right now instead of my whole self but the statement stands.I suppose I feel pretty much nothing by now. I don't remember the last time I had spend some time with an acquaintance though for what reason I could not fathom (spending time with an acquaintance that is.) ....