Women Rights

Among the many books we owned in our room,there's one book I stopped halfway and refused to continue.

Kingdom Of Dreams by Judith McNaught.

I bought it when the Librarian Committee made a trip to a book fair in KB a year ago.It was fairly big but the book ranges aren't much.A guiding teacher told me Judith is a good author and that I made a good choice,her daughter owned all sets of her books.I was excited to read it and on our way home on the bus,I opened the first page.

At first it looks okay,the heroine was smart and stubborn,my kind of heroine and the hero was on the opposite team(it was dated during the war between King Henry and his cousin,with pilgrims and counts all that shit,way back before civilization.I think even Romeo and Juliet hadn't been born yet.) and was on the job of catching her and her half sister.It started okay and all,but then it spiraled down.

When he started to fall for her charm and wit,I admired her not falling back because the guy fuckin' threw her like a sack and more than that he kind of degraded her sister(half sister but she loved her very much) but then,she did.

I really hate that.

Did she had no dignity?? Fuckin bullshit man.
I suppose all the way from there is that he'll be the king and they marry and live happily ever fucking after.Gross.

Unlike the crimes against women like in The Cloud Pavilion by Laura John Rowland,she discarded her dignity willingly.That is just,horrible.

I don't care how it fuckin ends,I won't finish that book.Ever.
Because,really,no matter how much "kindness" or "gentlemanness" a dick showed you after snatching you AND your sister from your home and treated you like a fuckin servant,he deserves to burn to ashes where he fuckin stands.

A woman deserves to be treated with dignity and honor just like any man does unless she's a bitch,because,well,she's a bitch,yeah?
Talk about equality,man. *roll eyes*


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