Happy 18th Birthday,My Beloved Azwa!!! x33


Wow.Can't believe she's eighteen already.It seems almost yesterday that the three of us were entangled together on Qie's bed reading comics.So nostalgic.

I still remember the very first day I set my eyes on her.The image of her standing by the balcony,so beautiful I was rendered speechless for a moment.I knew she was the new girl rumored through the senior groups.
Watching her sad face made my heart twist uncomfortably and I did what I normally don't do with people.I talk to them.

Till now,I'm still grateful for the day I struck a conversation with her.When I introduced her to Qie,how Qie grew to love her just as much as I do.
We never spent a moment away from each other ever since.No matter that I transferred to my hometown,because it still feel like they are by my side.

How we started to become a family of our own.She became my wife,and Qie became our daughter.I love them both so,so much.
I glare at every human being who dares to even so much as leer their way,promising them many ways to die painfully and slowly.I grew protective of them.

I hate seeing them hurt.I hate seeing them cry.And I hate myself even more when I was the reason they did.I remember Qie started having nightmares in the dark after I left because she was so used to having my warmth next to her.

I remember Wa's stoic face as she tried to smile and act cheerfully at my absence.Even as they had forgive me,I would never forgive myself for those things.

And now she's about to take her steps towards the adulthood,leaving teenagerhood behind,with someone else by her side.

And I will always be there for her,watching from afar.Nothing will ever change,you will still be my beloved,always.


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