Wedding bells xPP

Well,as my sister had so eloquently put it,it's wedding season.Not only for other people who have waited a certain date to attend a wedding whether as guests or bride/groom but for our few particular relatives as well.

Congratulations for our dear Kak Tati,Abg long,& Abg Cik~~!!!! xDD
Hope you guys will have an everlasting happy married life,sincerely from your lil' cuzzin,Una.(^V^)

Wow.Can't believe they're all settling down already.It feels just like yesterday we were chatting and drinking tea at Tokwan's balcony during holidays.Time flies so fast,huh?

Since most of the older cuzzins are tyin' up their knots,it's down to Onee-san's generations now.On our visit to Tokwan's house few days ago,our aunts and uncles had teased and inquired of Onee-san,Aten,and Kakak Tasnim of their own verifiable dates.
Maybe it's pressurin' Onee-san a bit.She doesn't like to talk about her love life,see.I understand,what with her record,and Mom and Dad did kind of went a tad too far,suggesting her BFFs.

I on the other hand still have a long way to go before I can even think about those things.Sure,Onee-san had drilled the idea of getting Amir Ibrahim(her BFF) with me and that got me into a freak out,even more when Mom and KC had joined in but no matter what she says,I'll always get a say.Mom and Dad will never do that to me without my consent,so far as I know.
But I did have a long chat about it with another Amir.My Amir.
He's an ex-classmate highschool friend(I think) and we get along quite well together.We're what you call flirt-buddies.It's like fuck-buddies but without the fucking part.
We flirt like hell but both of us know that none of it were serious.Just a bit of fun,y'noe?

When I told him all about Onee-san crazy scheme,he laughed and offered me a save.Like,in the end I'll still be married,just to a different Amir.LOL
My knight in shining armor. *roll eyes*
But then again,I suppose it's convenient for both of us.We're close,but not really that close.And besides,I've met his mother and all and she seemed to approve.
Eventhough it was all a joke,we ended up planning the whole thing together.From the wedding preparation down to children and domesticated pets.
By the end of our crazy talk,we conjured up a crazy deal.

Amir: Tell you what,if neither of us found anyone for like,8 years to come,I'll seal the deal and propose you for real.

Me: *shrugs* sure.It'd probably be less scary if I end up spending my life growing old with you than some guy I know for less than 5 years.

Amir: Great.We have a deal then.

Me: *laughs* okay.

And it was crazy as fuck.LOL


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