Friends with benefit?

That's not what I meant.Don't even go that way.
I meant that in a less...condescending way.The benefits I mean is in the form of flirts.You know,the kind you used on picking up someone.

God,I swear I read too much of these romance novels.It's kinda weird for me to read that a single person could just flirt with someone in a bar and take him/her home to get laid.It's....weird.Granted,I'm not a people-person.

Kei and I started nothing more than classmates.It was nothing more than a sort of amusement for me when I watched him fighting with Sonoko on daily basis like cats and dogs.Sonoko was the only one I stick to because of the childhood days we shared and I was comfortable with her.
Her fights with Kei provided me amusement other than my daily trip to the library.Even then,we never shared a word.

Then,on one fateful hot day,we struck up a conversation,just because.It was recess,and we were the only ones in the class,oddly for the same reason.Lazy.
I picked a seat under the fans because it's a hot day,coincidentally a seat in front of him.He came and took his seat.So we talked.

When Yaya came in and saw us,she quickly exclaimed of our proximity.Kei,being the joker that he is,took it in a stride.He didn't even bother denying her and instead claimed that he and I were together.
I shrugged and played along,just because.I mean,why not,right? S'not like it's a big deal.And words spread.From Yaya,nonetheless.

From then on,it started being a thing.

He and I would flirt like crazy when we got the chance,and it's not even forced.It feels all too natural.At first,I played along to amuse my 'friends',or rather,the general crowd.Then we started doing it even in the confines of our privacy.

In the end,we stayed like this.But that's okay 'cause both of us enjoyed it.It's just 
harmless flirting.I mean,what could possibly happen,right?


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