Can Cats Be mentally Stunted? (O_____O)

I think Yuki,our latest addition of the Wan Yahya family,is mentally stunted.Yuki has been with us for a solid safe a month and 4 days and still counting and he's adapted well to the house.

Yuki in all his glory. xD
A few nights ago as I recall it,he successfully remembered his way home after chasing Dad's car off the streets.Well,maybe with some help of my whistling.

When Dad brought him in,he was roughly 4 or 5 months old,cat-years.Then,I understand with the hyperactiveness and all the chewing and biting and clawing stuff as Noeru had been just as hyperactive as a child but he's nearing 7 months old and the chewing and biting and clawing stuff doesn't seem to be ebbing away.

I know it doesn't have to be like,FLASH! and suddenly he's all matured and lazy like his adopted brothers(or uncles by the look of it though Noeru is definitely a brother.It's Bocco who looks like an uncle.More like Grandpa.LOL) but shouldn't the hyperactiveness slow down a little?

Also,he has a habit of suckling on shirts.That looks seriously mentally stunted to me.
Noeru never suckled any shirts when he was young! Neither did Bocco! I don't know about Tamao and Tooru since they came here as a grown up.

I wonder what traumatic incident had happened to Yuki before he ended up with us.

Noeru was still young,barely a months old and abandoned so he didn't remember much before his time with us.He grew up knowing us as his family.

Do cats psychiatrist exist?
Or we just take him to a vet or something?

Doesn't he look adorable?? x33


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