More Wolves!! xPP

Sometimes I think fast-reading could be a disadvantage at times.I mean,if I finish the books too fast I'm gonna be out of them in no time! (>x<")

I finished P.Bosch's It's Not What It Looks Like two days after I got home from the festival and Jodi Picoult's The Storyteller later on.I'm down to Jodi's latest book,Lone Wolf and after that,no more! Gaaaahhh. *groans*

I love P.Bosch's books. >3
They're so creative.I want to find his next book,Write Your Own Book that was released May 2013 I think.Not to give spoilers but M.E is really obvious.LOL
I wonder what happened to Cass and Yo-Yoji after they graduated.Shall a new budding romance commence?? LOL (lol romance commence,M.E would've liked that.)

And Jodi deserves her gold star winning awesome author award.Her books are marvellous,I tell you.Based on family loyalties and the understanding of each role in every person's life,it almost feels like everything was happening around me.

They brought tears,laughter,and an overwhelmingly profound feelings for my family.Including my closest friends whom I owe a big part of my sanity.

In the unforgiving and cruel reality we call world,"family" doesn't necessarily means blood-related relatives.They don't have to be consisted of people who gave birth to you and fed you and took care of you since you were tiny little harmless babies and they also don't have to be people who you grew up with.

They can be someone you trust to hold you upright when you fall apart,someone who will look for you for support just as you will to them.

Someone who will laugh,cry,piss and go crazy with you and know how to take your shit as you take theirs.Someone who could right your wrongs and listen to you when you right theirs.Take your opinion into accounts.

We can have more than one family.
But of course,blood-related family comes first at all cost.

In Lone Wolf,Luke found himself accepted into a pack,a family.But that doesn't mean the human family he has disappears because families don't do that.They don't disappear.Count on the one constant thing in your life.

No matter how messed up our family is,we should be grateful because we have one.For the one reason that they're there.Just that. 

Just like Stiles! xD


  1. (TT.TT)> It's too touching~~~~ *Sobbing*
    tissues please (@~@)/


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