Final of the Finals for Foundation

Made a sweet alliteration there, didn't I? *chuckles*
Anyhoo, as it said, Foundation year is coming to an end as the finals gain by less than 72 hours. Then we'll go our separate ways, depending on the results. Just like highschool.
Though this graduation may end in more memorable way than 2 years ago.

Most of us are looking forward to the grad dinner night, a commemoration of one year spent together. Except for some, including me. If I hadn't paid for it, I would've stick to my decision on skipping. The thought of too many people was enough for me to burn my money just like that but Amelia and Irene had threatened of various torture and I surrendered with dignity.

When I first came here, I made the first impression as any normal ones I made throughout my life. Quiet, emotionless, devil-may-care person. I've never been good with strangers.
I take time to open up. Close to a year, to be exact.

My roommates during the first term was alright, eventhough one out of three disliked me. I expected it anyway. Wouldn't be legit if everyone liked me. But we get along remarkably well, all of us. We rarely eat by ourselves, and there was never any hostile or uncomfortable aura in the room. 

Daisy (not real name) is the sort of typical girl that goes out all the time, never likes being cooped up in one place, have all the popular girls as besties, parties hard most nights, loves shopping and the mall and gossips, and often dates stupid jocks.

Annie (not real name) is the typical timid, spineless when it comes to rules and boys, scaredy-cat, home kinda girl. She always gets into fun fights and pranks with Daisy and our room are often filled with their laughter. She shares all the girly hobbies as Daisy, talking about the latest trends of fashion and which clothes/shoes/skirts/jeans are the cutest.

Fiona (not real name) is the one who disliked me at first, during our first few months as roommates. She thought my independence rude, and my straightforward-ness appalling. She hated how I speak -which is very blunt and rude and just heart-stabbing- and considered how little manners I have -which is untrue, I just rarely use them. There's not much to go with her, except that she's kinda motherly.

Oh, we never fight or anything. She never made my life harder than it already is. We just kept to ourselves a bit more than with Daisy and Annie. Nothing unusual for me.

We separated on good terms after the first term ended, and ended up as neighbours for this second term. My roommates this term are also quite wonderful, excluding Annie who remains my roommate till the end. LOL

Lauren (not real name) is very polite and pleasant. She respects the boundaries and always asks before doing anything like switching the lights and locking the doors.

As with Tasha (not real name) and both of them were roommates last term too. In fact, I liked Tasha best because she always feeds me and, yeah, she feeds me. Sometimes when I come back, there'd been candies and nick-nacks on my table. And she gave a yellow file for my birthday and I love practical gifts.

And since they were just a few doors away, Daisy always come to our room, just having fun or doing work. She didn't seem to like her room that much.

They didn't mind my lack of response or emotions to their daily stuff because we practically live together and it's just a 'me' thing. Class were a different situation.

Recently I've gotten a few shocked outbursts when I'd shown unprovoked intimacy to some of those I'd gotten close to, outside of Amelia and Irene. Because during the first term, I'd been nothing but the anti-social me and I guess I deemed it long enough for me to open up to few of them. I've been told that I smiled a lot more this term and had shown more of the human side of me they rarely get to see, except for Amelia and Irene.

But of course it'd be short-lived since our time together is ending.

It's like a clam. It takes time to wait for it to open up on its own volition and when it does, you don't really have time for it any longer. So,yeah. I'm a clam. LOL 


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