Spoiiiiiiiiiiiilllleeedddd~~~ ~(=w=)~

Once is an incident.
Twice is a coincidence.
Thrice is a pattern.

This is definitely becoming a pattern, if it's not already.
Though a greatly beneficial pattern, I must say.

They keep feeding me.
And if that's not a good (marvelous) thing I don't know what is.
My roommates, Irene, and sometimes, even Amelia, they keep feeding me and I really love it when Irene pets my head which makes me sound like a humanized feline species.
(Translation : CAT)

Even more when I keep falling (read:intentionally) on top of her just so that she'll pet me. And the best thing is? Irene never fails to disappoint.
It's just luck that I can't emanate purring sounds.

The feeding part, I don't even plan it.
I just, some days, come back to my room and find some snacks or candies on my table, courtesy of my roommates. I'm really lucky for them.
And on weekends, I rarely go out, preferring to stay in bed and do my work or play games or read in peace. The toilet is of course, an exception. Irene would pass me food once in a while, basically just feeding me. There's a reason why we call her "Mummy".

Even then, I would be surprised when they do these things.

It feels really good to be spoiled, I have to admit.
My family isn't the kind that indulges in such blatant show of affection. We're more of a subtle,tough kind of love. Simple brush of hands, ruffling hairs, cheek kisses, etc etc.

If this was 5 or 6 years back, I would've been scared shitless. I would've pulled away from this comfort and ran. Because I would be too scared that the pain of losing it would be too much.

But not anymore. I've grown.

I'm glad. I'm content.
Because at this point, I'm not afraid of separation anymore.


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