So different than what I expected, this friendship

Kei finally got a girlfriend~!! Yeay for the guy, huh?
Plus it's with the girl of his dreams a.k.a his for-a-while crush. At least one of us has a healthy love life. His would so make up for the disaster of mine. LOL

I thought that since he'd gotten the girl, he'd spend more time with her and less time with this best girl friend of his but clearly, I was wrong. Instead, he seemed much more..clingy? Is that a good word in this context? I don't know, really. *chuckles*

I was pretty much prepared for the silent mornings and nights when we usually would text or call and just talk about pretty much anything and everything. But then, some times lately he would surprise me by him starting the conversation first rather than me.
Usually it's just me who starts.

And then with all the exaggerated mushiness -I mean, it wasn't that different from before, Kei has always been the romantic-man and ready to sweep any damsel off her pretty dainty feet- but he doesn't go over the top with me. Not usually.
Because he knows I don't do shit for those things.
And when he does, I get slightly uncomfortable. Before, it was the feelings kind of uncomfortable. Now, it's the 'his-gf-will-so-kill-me' kind of uncomfortable.

I mean, yeah, psshh, we're bffs and whatnot but there are still lines that need not be crossed with opposite gender even in friendships, you know.
Like, dude, I totes love you like fucking weed but I ain't gon' be your ride to v-land or whatever. Seriously, like, I fucking adore you but you gotta stop this shit. LOLs

Yup. Been there, done that.
Being close with Kei for quite some time -we're reaching our third year anniversary of friendship YAY- I know how to handle stuff I don't like from him. 
Normally I just let the flirt and the innuendos go right over my head like balloons.
Sometimes I play along, just to see him whine like the big baby he is. Hahahaha

Kei's way of coping with things he doesn't like is by flirting. 
I know.

So I dutifully ignore all the crap and go straight to the "So what/who the fuck piss in your cup today, sunshine?" because yeah. I don't do bushes. Nope. No bushes.
I don't like playing games with Kei because shit as fucking stubborn as I am. LOL

But because we're friends, that I tolerate his weaknesses.
As he tolerates mine. 
Bitch please, on bad days? He so gets it on the wrong end. And I would always apologize at the end of the day because I know very well when I'm being a bitch and a royal pain in the ass.

It's a barter thing.
He tolerates my bitchiness.
I tolerate his mushiness.

No homo, bruh. Okay? Okay.

Friends do this.


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