Mothafuckin Homosapiens, man.....

Drama performance was today. 
And it was fine, by my standards. We did okay.
And it has also been yet another enlightening event of why I fucking hate people.

Yes, the script isn't ours.
But the punchlines are.
And you people stole it from us.
Making us look like idiots on stage.
Therefore, thank you for empowering my justified reason on why the fuck I stayed away from the unnecessary contact of human beings in society. Because of such existence.

All those 6 fucking weeks practicing and rehearsals, wasted into giggles and shit.
Our energy and time.

Those ideas were -are- Amelia's.
At the very least they could have cited the fucking thing. *sarcasm duly noted*
Of course not all of them were the culprits or partners in crime. 
I was so fucking frustrated and pissed beyond measure. They were lucky I have control -what left of it- of my temper else I would've definitely break something. 
Their faces, probably.

I don't know if Sir noticed it. Don't really care.
It's just a fucking theater, right? 
Not like we spent a whole lot of deal on the stuff. *again, sarcasm duly noted*

Went back to college in a rage and collapsed.
Trying hard to reign in my anger so as to not unleash any unnecessary damage.
And thanks to this event, my crush to that person immediately died like a fire being stomped under the soles of a rubber boot until the ambers were stone hard cold. Fucking dead.

I am now crush-less again.

So the plan on the Dinner night might as well be cancelled. 
He must've known. He was there with us during each rehearsals the whole time.
And it was his group that has taken the most from us.

I have two tests tomorrow, but honestly, I'm in no state to give a flying fuck.
I'm gonna watch Hannibal and pretend I'm mutilating these assholes so that I won't go and do something stupid like buying ingredients to build a carton of molotov enough to blow the whole motherfucking block out. And hoping Hugh Dancy's sexy face can calm me down.

Called Kei around 11.15 and talked.
I didn't talk much, preferring to just listen him rambles about whatever it is that goes in his mind. I missed my silence. I missed it so much, what with the loud demands that I get routinely from schedules and worries. I missed the serenity.

It's fun, with Kei.


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